First two days - done!

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September 9, 2019

Dear Families,

There were so many smiles these last two days. There is always so much anticipation of the first day of the school year.  I could feel the excitement and energy as students and staff alike dove in - swimming through both the familiar and the unfamiliar, immersing themselves in the learning, and in the socializing. And then, the catching of breath, and the huge sigh of relief at 3:00. There is no day like it, and then it is over in a flash, and we all feel ready to get on with the year.

Now we get into the work of settling in, regulating our energy and emotions, pacing ourselves for the work of the year. I hope all of you are looking at the PTA newsletter so you can plan for meetings and events, and get a full sense of our community. I know those of you who are returning will continue to support our mission and to lend a hand, offer ideas, and keep us thinking of the best ways to take care of your children.

I have moved from the 4th floor to the main office, so please pop by when the first weeks have passed. I may, or may not be there. Hopefully I will be tucked into a classroom with your children!

We have 29 new staff this year, and the expertise in our building continues to grow in amazing ways. We are all looking forward to sharing more of the work at Curriculum Night on September 19, and at PTA meetings. 

With Respect,


Important Information:

  • Make sure we have your most up-to date contact information by clicking here.

  • Fill out your permission slips - for out-lunch and much more by clicking here.

Upcoming Events:

Community Coffee | Thursday, September 12, 8:45am in the Cafeteria - Join us for coffee. Let’s get to know each other better! 

PTA Meeting | Tuesday, September 17, 8:45am in the Cafeteria - Hear the latest from the Administration, the PTA, and the school committees. 

Curriculum Night | Thursday, September 19, 5pm - 7pm - Meet your child’s teachers and learn about this year’s curriculum. More details to come.

75 Morton | MS 297 PTA