Welcome Three Full Grades


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September 3, 2019

Dear Families,

It is a pleasure to open 75 Morton this year with three full grades! When we opened our doors with just a 6th grade, we had 194 students and 16 staff members. We are now approaching 880 students and 82 amazing staff members! We are using every bit of space in our beautiful building and now, at full scale, we can work harder than ever this year on meeting the words of our Mission Statement:

We recognize that every member of our diverse student body has a unique path to follow. At 75 Morton it is our mission to empower every student to inquire, question, create and evolve as a part of this community to achieve success in high school and beyond.

75 Morton has come a long way in a short time. It is a big school with a huge heart. Every day we have people to thank - a student who reached out to help a friend, a parent who brought in a much needed supply or who planned a perfect event with a group of other parents, a staff member who listened carefully to a student and moved them forward, in just the right way.

We rely on RELATIONSHIPS to keep us strong. We rely on TRUST, HONESTY, RESPECT, and BRINGING IDEAS AND SOLUTIONS TO THE TABLE. And, we believe in EQUITY. As we continue to grow - into our space, into our numbers, and into our systems and structures, we will work as a community.

Just a reminder, please be sure to familiarize yourself with our Family Handbook and complete the important form which includes permission documents for out-lunch and field trips, media consent, etc.

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! 

With Respect, 


P.S. I have moved my office to the first floor. Stop by, with a smile, and let’s talk!

Please note, all three street entrances will be used for arrival and dismissal - by grade:

6th Grade: Morton Street

7th Grade: Barrow Street

8th Grade: Greenwich Street