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April 22, 2020
Dear Families,
Two weeks ago, we asked the staff the following question:
While we all know that the students have lost certain things - some learning time, some social interaction, etc., what do you see that the children have and will gain in these fourteen weeks of remote learning?
The teachers’ responses were stunning, hopeful, practical, honest and extensive. There were too many to share here, but the overall feeling is that your children are learning to be independent, how to ask for help, and to be proactive. They are developing more agency and patience.
The teachers spoke of email etiquette, resilience, closer reading of directions, better organizational skills, and responding to feedback. A few referenced 21st century skills like information literacy, media literacy, and technology literacy, as well as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, and social skills.
As I read through the responses I was amazed. This staff is making the very best of a very difficult situation. I honestly could not be prouder to have these amazing colleagues and students.
I hope one of the staff writes a longer article with these responses. You must read them. They will give you hope.
A few more tidbits:
Although we are on an A/B schedule and ELA is only on “A” days, READING is a nightly expectation, like breathing, bathing, eating, sleeping….reading happens every day. Thank you families for making sure to support your readers at home.
The A/B schedule was also instituted so our teachers can provide more detailed and specific feedback. Please urge your children to read the feedback and to use it as an instructional tool. It is a crucial part of Remote Learning.
And finally, I had a dream that the entire 8th grade was at my apartment. ALL OF THEM. I woke up confused, and then became very sad. We REALLY miss your children.
With respect, many hugs, and well wishes for your continued health and safety-
Jacqui, Katie, Ilene