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May 1, 2020
Dear Families,
HAPPY MAY! It seems most appropriate that as I sit down to write this letter, it is raining while the sun is coming out - the push and pull that reflects our lives right now.
Governor Cuomo just announced that schools are officially closed until the end of the school year, June 26, 2020. It feels more final than when first announced by the Mayor and Chancellor. Maybe we were all secretly hanging on to a little wish that something would turn, we would wake up, and school would be back at the building of 75 Morton. And now we know - school is this way, for the present.
We will continue to do our best, as all of you have been doing - our best to stay close from a distance and to keep learning. So deep breaths, as we move forward, with kindness and grace...and the new NYC DOE Grading Policy:
The grading policy outlined below is in effect for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year only.
Teachers will base students’ final grades on a holistic review of their progress before and after we started remote learning. Attendance will not be a factor in students’ grades. No student will receive a failing final grade.
6th - 8th grade students will receive final grades of “Meets Standards” (MT), “Needs Improvement” (N), or “Course in Progress” (NX) if additional time is needed to complete the course. Students receive an NX if there is insufficient work to calculate a final grade.
Needless to say the opinions about this policy are wide ranging. We understand the many feelings and questions that this policy has raised. We do not have answers regarding high school admission policy for next year. And when we know, we will work with all of you. As always, we share all news as quickly as we can.
What we do know is how important it is to message to your children that school is ON. School goes to June 26. School COUNTS.
Katie, Ilene and I speak to bungalow teams, or department teams every day. We speak in great detail about students who concern us, as well as those who are continuing to amaze us! The teachers make plans, share information, and come up with lists of next steps to support all types of our students. When department teams meet, the conversation is rich in excitement over the new possibilities with technology that we are all learning, alongside your children. The teachers discuss the standards they continue to set, and the expectations that are reflected in their curriculum. The ELA team developed a new unit across all grades. Who does that during a pandemic? The team at 75 Morton does. The teachers did not present formulaic remote learning because of the pandemic. They are pushing themselves and your children to be deeper thinkers, because of the pandemic.
We need you to make sure your children know that the JOURNEY counts. What we do along the way matters - how we set our inner compass as learners, as responsible citizens. To continue to strive during this model of education in this moment, that is the message our children need from all of you.
After consulting with the staff of 75 Morton, and the SLT, we will now be moving to Google Classroom for our grading platform until the end of the year.
It is important to understand the following moving forward:
The 3rd marking period began on March 19 and ends on June 26. As in the past, you will have access to a final NYC DOE report card on June 26. The report card will reflect numerical grades for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marking periods, and a final grade. Per the updated DOE Grading Policy, the final grade will be either MT, N, or NX. You will access your child’s report card through the My Student platform, as we will not be able to distribute the report cards to your children.
All grades will be found on Google Classroom moving forward. We will no longer be utilizing JumpRope, although it will still be open for your reference.
Your children will be graded on a 100 point scale in Core classes, Spanish, Arts and PE. This does not include classes that receive Pass/Fail grades. The translation of the 100 point scale and Mastery Grading will remain the same:
EExceeding Expectations
Meeting Expectations
Approaching Expectations
Not Yet Meeting Expectations
96 - 100
86 - 95
76 - 85
56 - 75
55 or below
As always, please reach out with questions! We are very proud of our families, students, and staff. By the way, next week is TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! Take a minute this weekend to go to our virtual Wall of Gratitude and show them some love!
6th Grade Wall, 7th Grade Wall, 8th Grade Wall. Enter the password thunderbolts.
Have a safe, healthy, calm weekend. We miss you every day, all day. There is nothing like the real feel of real school. Take care.
With Respect,
Jacqui, Katie, and Ilene