New (temporary) Systems

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April 13, 2020

Dear Families,

What a terrific PTA meeting this morning! Truthfully - I almost cried three times. This is hard. It was very emotional to see all of you. We all feel a tremendous amount of sadness about the possibility (?) of school remaining closed until the end of the year. 

This is the first week that feels like we are settling in - so let’s look ahead and make the very best of this experience as we introduce new (temporary) systems, rituals, and celebrations to keep us going. 

The AMAZING 75 Morton Staff is reporting back that this past Thursday and Friday were very helpful for your children in terms of catching up on assignments. We are learning more and more from colleagues around the city, state, and country about building a big "pause" button into the weekly schedules for the students and staff. This is not a “pause” to stop work. This is a pause to stop moving forward and to dig deep, to finish work carefully and thoroughly, and to receive more meaningful and detailed feedback.

Every decision we make and communicate goes through many rounds of discussion with the staff, the SLT, the PTA Executive Board, and our colleagues, with the use of resources and research. And then we might reflect, and even change our minds. 

Every minute of this experience is new to everyone and it is really hard if you like to be in control and like structure and predictability (99.9% of the 75 Morton staff), and it is a huge learning curve for all of us. We try, then hold our breath, assess the outcomes and data, and if need be, change course. We are trying to avoid that, but it is inevitable. Being responsive and flexible is essential. Just as being kind and gracious is essential. 

Tomorrow we will be sending out more information about some updates to the remote learning schedule and the new grading policy. Look out for an email.

As always, the staff is keeping all of you in our hearts and prayers. Please reach out if you need anything and we will help to connect you to the appropriate resources. Above all else, we want you healthy and calm, strong and supported.

With our heartfelt respect,

Jacqui, Katie, Ilene