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March 20, 2020
Dear Families,
We are thinking about you and your children every day. Your health and well-being are more important than anything at this time. Everything is turned upside down and the world, our day-to-day lives, feel different. The community of 75 Morton is here. We will be available through email. Our addresses are here. We already miss you and hope that all of the communications we send and the systems we create will keep you and your families connected to our hearts and the experience of SCHOOL.
I cannot say enough about the 75 Morton Staff. They are the most remarkable staff in NYC, maybe New York, possibly, the USA!
Please note that 75 Morton is closed and cannot distribute any more devices. For students who still need a device, please complete this DOE survey here as soon as possible. The DOE will use the information to prioritize device distribution and inform families of a pickup location. If you received a DOE device and are not able to login, please use the following ID & password to connect to an external internet network.
Windows Devices - ID: nycdoe, PW: D1IT@D0e
Apple Devices - ID: nycdoe, PW: SDE4t3am
By the end of the day today, you and your child will have received an email from your child’s advisor. These emails are full of important information. They are also very touching. They make clear how much our teachers miss their students.
Your child’s advisor will be the point person for the duration of the school closing. Each day your advisor will check in with your child through their Advisory Class on Google Classroom. This is how they will be taking “attendance”. They will also monitor students, make sure they are keeping up with their work, and be available for questions and concerns.
Because we know that each family has a different home situation, we do not have a set schedule to which your child must adhere. That being said, to encourage a sense of normalcy, we are suggesting that students and families create and adhere to a schedule that is as similar to the regular school day as possible. To that end, advisors are sending out some suggestions. Teachers have designed the online work so that it can be accessed at whatever time suits the students and families best. Most important is that every student and family create a work/play schedule that works for them, and adhere to it.
Subjects - Remote Learning includes Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, Electives and PE. Our SETSS, Speech, Guidance, PT/OT, and ENL providers are co-creating all curriculum and have taken your child’s needs into consideration.
Online Work - Each teacher has worked very hard to create an engaging, multi-modality curriculum for his or her subject matter. Depending on grade, class, teacher, subject etc., your child can expect that there could be links to articles, informational videos, practice websites, video lessons, podcasts etc., in addition to the usual worksheets and “homework”.
Grading and Assessments - Teachers will be monitoring the students’ work and providing appropriate feedback. As of now the DOE has provided no information or instruction in regards to grading and assessments for Remote Learning. Please note, currently JumpRope is not active as teachers are working on grades for the second marking period.
Each teacher will set up specific "office hours" during which they are guaranteed to be available by email and on Google Classroom. These hours will be posted on individual Google Classrooms. A complete list of office hours for your bungalow can be found here.
If your child has a question or needs help outside of those designated office hours, the teacher will respond as soon as possible, and definitely within 24 hours.
Schedule - Create a daily schedule and stick to it. If it isn’t working adjust it. But have one and post it on the wall where you and your child can see it. If you need help creating one, ask your advisor for help.
Attendance - “Attendance” will be taken everyday through your child’s Advisory Classroom. This is how your advisor will know that your child is participating in Remote Learning. Your child should sign-in in accordance with the advisor's instructions every school day.
Email - Your child must check their Morton email on a daily basis. This is where they will receive all communication while they are learning remotely.
Google Classroom - Google Classroom is the online platform that your student uses both in and out of school. If you or your student need help navigating Google Classroom here is a tutorial. Your child should sign in to each and every class on Google every day. Our staff will be “living” in their Google Classrooms, watching for and monitoring your child’s work.
Study Buddies - Encourage your child to have one or two virtual study buddies. They can agree to work at the same time, google chat, text, and help each other.
We are taking this very seriously. We need you to support your child to take this Remote Learning experience seriously also. As we roll out Remote Learning, and we see how students are managing work, our systems may change. We will stay in touch.
Follow your daily schedule. The more consistency we can offer during this uncertain time, the better. Advisors have sent your children sample schedules for them to use. If you need any help setting one up, advisors are here to help! You can find their email addresses here.
Here are some ways to manage the different personalities and emotions that will be coexisting for the next unknown number of weeks:
Try to be aware of your emotions - Do not engage when you or your child feel angry or frustrated. Take a few breaths, count to ten (or more) and revisit the conversation once everyone is calm and ready to talk.
Take a break - It is OK to need some time and space. If you do, set a timer and take it! Sometimes setting a timer for a 5 minute period where everyone just chills is helpful. Other times you or your child may need longer: take a walk, put on a meditation podcast (Calm is a great one) or put on a short yoga video (youtube has some!). Take the time to ground yourselves and get back on track!
Stay focused on the issue - Stay on track with the issue at hand. This is not a time to dump ALL of your frustrations out on the other person. When you feel the conversation is getting off topic you can say, “Let’s stay focused on the topic, which is _____.”
Listen to each other - Often when we feel angry we do not really listen to what the other person is saying. Something that can be helpful is rephrasing what the other person is saying. For example, “What I hear you saying is…” Or, “It sounds like you feel …”
Compromise - This is about what you need and what your child needs - sometimes it is helpful to give your child three options, all of which would work for you, and let them pick. For example “You can take a 5 minute break and then read for 30 minutes, you can take a 5 minute break and work on your math for 30 minutes or you can take your full 30 minute break now, knowing that this will replace your break later in the day.”
Think of this as RESOLVING not WINNING - Conflict is not something you win or lose, it is something that is resolved, with both parties leaving feeling like they can move forward in a positive way. One thing you can ask your child is, “What do you need from me to move forward?” You can also have them ask you the same to ensure you are both on the same page.
Mindful Schools offers free, online mindfulness classes for kids!
We hope that you and your family stay well during this crazy time. If you have any questions please reach out.
With Respect,