Chancellor update 3/23

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March 23, 2020

Dear Families,

 I hope day one of Remote Learning is off to a good start. Please read the attached Family Letter from Chancellor Carranza.

Some reminders:

  • If your student needs a device for Remote Learning, please complete the following survey here or call 718-935-5100 and press 5. Please note that you will need your student’s nine-digit OSIS number. This number can be found on your student’s 75 Morton ID, report card, and when you log into your MyStudent or MySchools account.

  • Free grab-and-go meals are being offered at more than 400 sites across the city from Monday-Friday, 7:30am - 1:30pm. Click here to find the location closest to you.

  • Regional Enrichment Centers (RECs) are open for the children of front-line workers in the fight against COVID-19—including first responders and healthcare workers. If you believe your child may be eligible to attend a REC, please click here for more information. 

 With Respect,
