School CLOSED tomorrow, March 16th

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March 15, 2020

Dear Families,

Now that we know schools are officially closed starting tomorrow Monday, March 16, here is some up-to-date information we want to share with you:

  • Tomorrow, Monday, March 16 there will be a one-day full system closure. No students or teachers will report for school tomorrow. 

  • However, breakfast and lunch will be available for students at every building through Grab-and-Go meals, starting tomorrow until further notice.

  • School buildings are currently scheduled to re-open to students following Spring Recess on Monday, April 20.

  • Teachers will be in attendance Tuesday -Thursday of this week to be trained on Remote Learning. The DOE will be providing curriculum for schools to follow but we will also be supplementing. We do not yet know what this will look like.

  • Google Classroom remains active for 75 Morton students. Please have your student check both Google Classroom and emails for possible assignment updates and/or communications from teachers.

  • Remote Learning for all NYC public school students will begin on Monday, March 23. Please be on the lookout for emails from your child’s teachers.

  • The DOE will make arrangements to provide technology for students who need it for remote learning. More guidance about this will be sent to families this week. 

  • We will continue to email our family letters during this time to keep you all informed.

  • For regular updates from the DOE, please click HERE.

 Be safe and keep healthy. We will miss you all, and are here for you if you need us!

With Respect,

Jacqui, Katie, Ilene & Jill