Morton Magic!
Have a shout-out to a parent or member of our community? Please email and we will be sure to include it in the weekly newsletter!
Shout out to Elissa Hason and Ana Luna Pisch volunteered with us to help translate during our New Family Orientation!
Shout out to Lili and all of the families who helped to decorate and chaperone Fright Night!
Shout out to Tina Pollack and family for donating $10 Strand gift cards for our Monthly Library Challenge. We now have 2 months covered. Gratitude abounds! - Donna
Student Life at Morton
Check out all of the happenings at 75 Morton!
6th grade ENL students wrote a poem of their favorite things and original drawings for their “Golden Record” project!
7th grade drama students rehearsed their self-written scenes!
Girls' Soccer moves into the playoffs undefeated!
6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students attend the Anti-Bullying Conference at the UFT!
8th-grade Algebra students collected and analyzed data where they asked each other survey questions and analyzed the results. Students then worked in partnerships to complete a card sort that had them determining the different shapes of distribution of data when examining histograms and dot plots!
8th-grade students using microscopes in their Living Environment Lab!
6th-grade math students work on their Geometrocity Projects - Unit 1: Area and Surface Area Summative Project!
7th-grade science students investigated the effect of water temperature on the speed of molecules!
6th-grade students had a BLAST at Fright Night!
Halloween 10/31
75 Morton students can dress up for Halloween on Monday, October 31st. Costumes must follow these guidelines:
- No weapons (guns, knives, swords, nunchacku, etc)
- No masks that cover the entire face
- No fake blood
- Costumes must appropriately cover the body
- Costumes must be respectful of all cultures
Student Council Election Results
Congratulations to our 2022- 2023 Student Council!
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Diego L
Sofia M
Elin O
Lily G
Ava R
Nye T
Vester B
Deangel C
Brooklyn N
Amayah R
Dear Families,
My parent-teacher conferences in middle school consisted of my parents visiting a variety of teachers who each told them I was a successful student who talked too much. True, but not very useful.
We hope to make PTC a very different experience for you. Your child's advisor knows them well, something my middle school teachers could never say about me. During PTC, you will have 15 minutes to learn about your child's experience in school - both academic and social-emotional directly from the advisor and information supplied by content teachers.
In preparation for PTC, please log in to JumpRope to check your child's scores. If you are struggling to log in, the advisor will be able to help. Additionally, we will send home a hard copy of your child's JR scores, MAP results, and attendance on Monday, November 7th for you to have prior to the conference.
If you haven't scheduled your conference, please reach out to your child's advisor. If you need help, please email She can help to connect you with your child's advisor. Additionally, any teacher who is not an advisor is available for a 10-minute conference by signing up here. This includes guidance counselor Elaine and parent-coordinator Hope for 8th high school conversations!
We look forward to talking with you!
With Love, From the Library
Check out our new 75 Morton Library Website!
Families can support monthly reading challenges by encouraging their children to participate and donating book store gift cards! Please reach out to Donna at to learn more.
And Also:
Join us!
Nov 7 | 6:30-8:30pm
Parents, Guardians and Teachers are welcome to join us in the school library. This is a community event and we hope this opportunity will allow you to meet more family members of your child's school community. Snacks will be provided by the PTA. Please bring a beverage of your choice. BYOB. This event is FREE. Adults only.
Tree Bed Bulb Planting - Wednesday, Nov 2 | 3:15pm - 4:15pm
75 Morton families and friends are invited to join our STEAM teacher and local NYC Parks Super Steward, Olivia Bello on Wednesday, November 2nd from 3:15-4:15 to clean up our tree beds around 75 Morton and to plant 1,200+ daffodil bulbs.
No gardening skills required, gloves and tools will be provided
From Previous Newsletters:
Parent Teacher (Student) Conferences - Advisors will be sending out emails this week for you to sign up for Parent Teacher (Student) conferences.
Conferences are Wednesday, 10/9 from 1 -3pm and 5 - 8pm on zoom.
Each family signs up for a 15-minute time slot with their child's advisor. The advisor will share information from all subject-area teachers as well as specific information for each grade level.
You can sign up for additional conferences here for teachers without advisories available during that time. (These teachers include PE, library, 8th Science, 7th Math, and Spanish). Zoom links will be posted by Tuesday, November 8th.
If you'd like to meet with a specific teacher not listed on the document above, reach out to that teacher directly to find a time outside of PTSC to have a meeting.
Questions? Email your child's advisor!
Need help with Jumprope? Check out this direction sheet as well as learn more about our online grading platform here. You can bring your questions to PTSC!
Family Handbook - Families are responsible for reading our Family Handbook. School policies and procedures, grading, and staff information can be found there. Students will also be receiving a student handbook they will review during orientation.
8th-Grade Corner
**High School Applications Opened 10/12 **
HS Presentation: Slides from Family Zoom Session with Elaine and Hope
Registration for the Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) is now open and will close on November 4, 2022. Please log into your MySchools account to register.
High School Admissions Timeline
October 6: SHSAT Registration Opens
October 12: HS Application Opens
November 17: SHSAT In-School Testing
November 19/20: SHSAT Weekend Testing
December 1: HS Application Deadline
Early March: High School Offers
Arts Portfolio Sessions
We are pleased to provide students with the opportunity to participate in optional portfolio sessions for auditions and applications to arts high schools.
If you would like your child to participate, you must complete this form by Monday, October 3rd. Sessions begin Tuesday, October 4th during lunchtime for 8th graders only.
Important Dates:
November 2nd - Tree Bed Planting 3:15pm
November 4th - 7th-grade Instrumental Music Field Trip - MET
November 4th - Deadline for 8th graders to register for SHSAT
November 7th - Parent-Staff Mixer - 6:30pm
November 8th - Election Day - No School for Students
November 9th - Parent-Teacher Conferences - HALF DAY FOR STUDENTS
November 11th - Veteran's Day - School Closed
November 17th - 8th-grade SHSAT testing @75 Morton
November 18th - 8th-grade Instrumental Music Field Trip - MET
November 22nd - Ballroom Basix Family Fiesta!
November 24th/25th - Thanksgiving - School Closed