Land Acknowledgement
What is a Land Acknowledgment?
A Land Acknowledgement is a formal statement that recognizes the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories.
Why do we recognize the land?
Recognizing land is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to those whose territory you reside on, and a way of honoring the Indigenous people who have been living and working on the land.
75 Morton Land Acknowledgement:
75 Morton would like to acknowledge the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Munsee Lenape on which we are learning and working today.
Learn more about the Munsee Lenape Tribe and "Manahatta to Manhattan" from the Smithsonian Museum and Smithsonian Magazine
Morton Magic!
Have a shout-out to a parent or member of our community? Please email and we will be sure to include it in the weekly newsletter!
Shout out Ardis for reviving our 75 Morton social media accounts! Follow us on Instagram & Facebook and be sure to check out our veteran profiles throughout the month of November!
Shout out to all the families who donated Spanish books!
Shout out to Wendy S and Corinne for helping organize donated clothes!
Shout out to Jude Totte and Monica Pirez for chaperoning the 7th grade IM field trip!
Student Life at Morton
Check out all of the happenings at 75 Morton!
6th- and 7th-grade members of the Green Team planted bulbs outside of 75 Morton!
6th-grade students working on a poetry project!
7th-grade students prepare for a discussion about character changes in the book American Born Chinese!
Cross Country members attended their first meet of the year with NYRR!
7th-grade instrumental music majors visited the Met Musical Instrument Exhibit!
Hispanic Heritage Month advisory posters start to make appearances in the lobby and cafeteria!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher (Student) Conferences
Conferences are Wednesday, 10/9 from 1 -3pm and 5 - 8pm on zoom.
Advisors should have reached out to you over email. Please email your child's advisor if you do not have a time scheduled.
Each family signs up for a 15-minute time slot with their child's advisor. The advisor will share information from all subject-area teachers as well as specific information for each grade level.
If you'd like to meet with a specific teacher not listed on the document below, reach out to that teacher directly to find a time outside of PTSC to have a meeting.
Questions? Email your child's advisor!
Need help with Jumprope? Check out this direction sheet as well as learn more about our online grading platform here. You can bring your questions to PTSC!
Remember to sign up here to speak with select teachers who are not advisors:
Jose - Spanish
Donna - Library/IR
Josh - PE (6th and 7th)
Katherine - 714/814, 815, 816 Science
Ben L/Joe - 810, 811, 812, 813 8th grade Science
Ryan - 610/611 SS/7th grade theater
Bill - 7th grade math
Dear Families,
Our speech teacher Jenny Kaufman and parent Dr. Jordan Wright have collaborated for ADHA Awareness Month Newsletter #2.
In the newsletter, you will find a recap of newsletter #1, the definition of neurodiversity, why this information is important, and the types of ADHD. One of the most important takeaways is that neurodiversity is an asset to everyone, not a deficit!
Additionally, there is a talk from Dr Wright linked as well as book recommendations and resources. My 8-year-old daughter is not diagnosed with ADHD, but I see many ADHD characteristics in her, and I find the resources extremely helpful in my own parenting and supporting her in school.
Thank you, Jenny and Jordan, for your work and for supporting our community of diverse learners!
And Also:
Join us!
Nov 7 | 6:30-8:30pm
Parents, Guardians and Teachers are welcome to join us in the school library. This is a community event and we hope this opportunity will allow you to meet more family members of your child's school community. Snacks will be provided by the PTA. Please bring a beverage of your choice. BYOB. This event is FREE. Adults only.
From Previous Newsletters:
Family Handbook - Families are responsible for reading our Family Handbook. School policies and procedures, grading, and staff information can be found there. Students will also be receiving a student handbook they will review during orientation.
With Love, From the Library
Check out our 75 Morton Library Website!
Families can support monthly reading challenges by encouraging their children to participate and donating bookstore gift cards! Please reach out to Donna at to learn more.
8th-Grade Corner
**High School Applications Opened 10/12 **
ELA teachers are available for "High School Essay Office Hours" during lunch periods in November to support students. Please have your child speak to their ELA teachers to arrange the dates they will attend.
Janie - Tuesdays & Fridays
Melicca - TBD
Gigi - TBD
HS Presentation: Slides from Family Zoom Session with Elaine and Hope
High School Admissions Timeline
October 6: SHSAT Registration Opens
October 12: HS Application Opens
November 17: SHSAT In-School Testing
November 19/20: SHSAT Weekend Testing
December 1: HS Application Deadline
Early March: High School Offers
Important Dates:
November 7th - Parent-Staff Mixer - 6:30pm
November 8th - Election Day - No School for Students
November 9th - Parent-Teacher Conferences - HALF DAY FOR STUDENTS
November 11th - Veteran's Day - School Closed
November 17th - 8th-grade SHSAT testing @75 Morton
November 18th - 8th-grade Instrumental Music Field Trip - MET
November 22nd - Ballroom Basix Family Fiesta!
November 24th/25th - Thanksgiving - School Closed
December 15th - Holiday Showcase
December 20th - Half Day for Students; PD for teachers