Family and Community Newsletter - October 24th - 28th, 2022

Morton Magic!

Have a shout-out to a parent or member of our community? Please email and we will be sure to include it in the weekly newsletter!

  • Shout out to Elissa Hason and Ana Luna Pisch volunteered with us to help translate and get the new families registered!

  • Shout out to the 8th-grade families who joined the 8th-grade graduation committee meeting!

**Spanish-Speakers Needed**

If you are a Spanish speaker, we are in need of parent volunteers for our ENL Family Orientation this Tuesday from 9 - 11am.

Please contact Hope at if you are available to translate.

Student Life at Morton

Check out all of the happenings at 75 Morton!

  • 6th, 7th, and 8th graders had a blast building community, getting to know their new classmates, and spending time with their advisories this week!

  • 6th-grade student council candidates gave their speeches and their classmates voted!

  • 6th-grade ELA students published their personal narratives, "This Sixth Grade Life."

  • 7th-grade ELA students spent time reading their first class novel of the year, American Born Chinese.

  • 8th-grade ELA students published their identity writing and art!

  • 8th-grade ELA students also began writing their position papers on topics of their choosing, ranging from immigration to student mental health!

  • 8th-grade math students practiced working together as a team!

  • Congratulations to our 8th-grade math teacher, Ayanna Emanuel, for winning the Big Apple Teacher Award! She received her award at the ceremony this past week!

Dear Families,

The weeks are always busy here at 75 Morton, and this week was no exception! I had the pleasure of attending the Big Apple Teaching Awards to celebrate our 8th-grade math teacher Ayanna; 6th-grade students had their student council townhall; each grade level had an advisory field trip; Thursday evening our 8th-grade student ambassadors led a 5th-grade student tour; 8th-grade student council members attended the District Leadership Conference and represented Morton proudly; our sports teams had games galore! This is in addition to welcoming 20 new migrant-student who arrived in our school this week!

It is an exciting time to be at 75 Morton. We are growing and shining, and we can't wait to share all of this with you. It can often be challenging to understand what is happening in the school building and classroom, especially when the information is coming from a (pre)teen with one-word answers. Our SLT and PTA are working on additional events to bring families (you!) into the school building on a regular basis to see all of the excellence inside and outside of the classrooms.

In the next month, we have a number of opportunities for families to join us - 6th grade Fright Night, chaperoning instrumental music field trips, volunteering to translate for other families, Ballroom Basix Family Fiesta, and Piesgiving. Come join us and feel the joy! 



With Love, From the Library

Check out our new 75 Morton Library Website!

Families can support monthly reading challenges by encouraging their children to participate and donating book store gift cards! Please reach out to Donna at to learn more.

And Also:

  • Parent Teacher (Student) Conferences - Advisors will be sending out emails this week for you to sign up for Parent Teacher (Student) conferences.

    • Conferences are Wednesday, 10/9 from 1 -3pm and 5 - 8pm on zoom.

    • Each family signs up for a 15-minute time slot with their child's advisor. The advisor will share information from all subject-area teachers as well as specific information for each grade level.

    • You can sign up for additional conferences here for teachers without advisories available during that time. (These teachers include PE, library, 8th Science, 7th Math, and Spanish). Zoom links will be posted by Tuesday, November 8th.

    • If you'd like to meet with a specific teacher not listed on the document above, reach out to that teacher directly to find a time outside of PTSC to have a meeting.

    • Questions? Email your child's advisor!

  • Need help with Jumprope? Check out this direction sheet as well as learn more about our online grading platform here. You can bring your questions to PTSC!

From Previous Newsletters:

  • Supplies - We purchased all supplies for all students. Please contribute $75 here to help off-set costs - and consider donating an additional $75 to sponsor a student in need. Students should bring a backpack and pen/pencils on the first day of school. Pay for your students' school supplies HERE. You will be directed to our school Family Portal, Membership Toolkit, to create an account or log into your existing account (returning families). From there you will be directed to purchase your students' school supplies.

  • Transportation - Please email our community associate for questions about transportation.

  • Family Handbook - Families are responsible for reading our Family Handbook. School policies and procedures, grading, and staff information can be found there. Students will also be receiving a student handbook they will review during orientation.

8th-Grade Corner

**High School Applications Opened 10/12 **

HS Presentation: Slides from Family Zoom Session with Elaine and Hope

NYC DOE Family Presentations: All families with eighth gradersare welcome to attend one of the live virtual events about applying to high school. We will have three sessions:

  • October 18 - 3pm English with interpretation in French, Korean, and Urdu

24 hours before the event, check for the zoom link and passcode.

High School Admissions Timeline

  • October 6: SHSAT Registration Opens

  • October 12: HS Application Opens

  • November 17: SHSAT In-School Testing

  • November 19/20: SHSAT Weekend Testing

  • December 1: HS Application Deadline

  • Early March: High School Offers

Arts Portfolio Sessions

  • We are pleased to provide students with the opportunity to participate in optional portfolio sessions for auditions and applications to arts high schools. 

  • If you would like your child to participate, you must complete this form by Monday, October 3rd. Sessions begin Tuesday, October 4th during lunch time for 8th graders only.

Important Dates: 

  • October 28th - 6th-Grade Fright Night! 4:30 - 6pm (DATE CHANGE)

  • November 4th - 7th-grade Instrumental Music Field Trip - MET

  • November 8th - Election Day - No School for Students

  • November 9th - Parent-Teacher Conferences - HALF DAY FOR STUDENTS

  • November 11th - Veteran's Day - School Closed -

  • November 18th - 8th-grade Instrumental Music Field Trip - MET

  • November 22nd - Ballroom Basix Family Fiesta!

  • November 24th/25th - Thanksgiving - School Closed