Conversation starters to support your children

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December 22, 2021

Dear Families,

Some of you have asked for more CONVERSATION STARTERS to support talking with your children. These are adapted from Vertellis: Less Small Talk/More Genuine Conversations

  1. Which of your best habits worked for you today- and how?

  2. Which of your worst habits got in your way today- and how?

  3. Who inspired you today- and how?

  4. Who do you think you inspired today?

  5. What is your biggest wish for next week?

  6. What is one thing that would make tomorrow great?

  7. For what would you congratulate yourself a year from now?

  8. How do you surprise yourself?

Moments, even long stretches of silence make sense. My oldest daughter once invited me hiking if I promised not to talk. She likes a teeny amount of talk and then a long walk to listen to nature and her own thoughts. As a parent, it is so hard not to push and prod, and to trust (there is that word again) that respectful listening and honest questions will be a way to open doors. Our middle schoolers are trying so hard to sort out feelings, relationships, their academic/social/emotional/physical abilities, and ...simply how to get up in the morning. 

Practice being the non-judgemental, understanding side of the conversation.

Please feel free to send more ideas!
With Respect,

Jacqui, Katie & Ilene


On January 27th, all NYC DOE Middle Schools are administering the SHSAT (Specialized High School Admissions Test) to those students who REGISTERED. Many of our teachers will be proctoring the test in order for us to adhere to the proper COVID protocols. As a result, the following classes will be ASYNCHRONOUS on January 27. 

  • 710s Bungalow: Math

  • 720s Bungalow: Math, Science

  • 731: ALL CLASSES

  • 8th Grade (810s, 820s, 830s Bungalows): ALL CLASSES

  • Whole School - ALL SPECIALS