Trust in our community

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December 15, 2021

Dear Families,

We have been leaning heavily on the idea of TRUST these past months. Putting the issues of our country aside, we are being asked to trust friends and families in new ways. It is exhausting, and hopefully, we are all learning about ourselves.

When I think about TRUST and apply it to 75 Morton, the possibilities and circumstances are endless. We are learning to trust your children that they are trying hard, with their cameras on or off, and their mics on or muted. We are learning to trust your children when they are in break out rooms and doing work with other students. We are learning to trust all of you that you understand the enormous work of education and the efforts of the staff. We are learning to trust ourselves that we will move forward with the present tasks, but with future tasks in mind - as the job of teaching and learning changes rapidly.

I work with this definition of TRUST: dependence on something future or contingent - HOPE.

I attended a NYC DOE Healing Centered Education Workshop this week. Among the ideas shared was the importance of communities that take care of one another. We are all members of various circles: work, family, friends, school, clubs, hobbies, politics, religion, etc. Each community serves a purpose in our lives. Now more than ever, these communities must offer a gentle embrace - a group of others who insist on taking care of one another. Healing Centered Education focuses on the experience of children and adults in the school community. It is about the systems in place to heal. It is an acknowledgement that you trust us to take emotional care of your children and we as educators need to always have that role in mind. 

This is a particularly hard time to be a middle school child. We have no idea when we will return to school, when and how the pandemic will end, and what tomorrow will bring. I hope you continue to trust the staff as they start everyday caring about your children. 


Jacqui, Katie, Ilene


We have many exciting events in store for you and your child.

Morton Day on January 21

We are celebrating the 75th day of school! Students will be playing My 2 Cents, completing a Morton-themed scavenger hunt and participating in other fun games during periods 4 - 7. It’s a great way for students to participate and get to know each other in a fun way.

Video Festival on January 22

Join us for our first 75 Morton Video Festival which will showcase videos created by Morton students. All families are invited to attend this free, community event. To get your front row “seat”, visit

Virtual Dance Party on February 10

We’re having a dance party featuring music by DJ Manny. Students are invited to put in their song requests by February 1 ( This party is for students only, so parents, make plans to enjoy an hour of “me” time.

75 Morton Cookbook available now

Finally, if you haven’t already, please download a copy of the 75 Morton Cookbook. I don’t cook but I love browsing through the delicious recipes and beautiful photos taken by our students. Visit