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January 29, 2021
Dear Families,
Here we are, ending January! While we can look ahead with uncertainty mixed with hope (always), we can look back at January and learn from your children.
The 75 Morton Video Festival was such an interesting example of what is happening in the hearts and minds of our middle schoolers. We know they are missing the freedom of pre-covid life, they are filled with creativity, they have ideas of how to express themselves, and they are very social beings.
The 25 videos gave us a sneak peek into our children’s coping mechanisms, fantasies and realities. We were able to get closer to their interpretations of their lives in their 2-minute clips, and at the same time, feel so distant from the meanings in the choices of subject, song, and props.
I left the 75 Morton Video Festival feeling like I understood this age more, and I was also awed by the brave film makers who proudly shared their creations with pride, and the messages they chose to communicate to all of us.
Your children are under a microscope - far too easily observed by you, and us, and they, in turn, often feel judged. Let’s hope many of them continue to frame scenes in their minds, behind closed eyes, and that they continue to craft their realities in new and exciting ways.
On another note, remember the questions I sent out in last week’s letter? Here is another you may want to add. “How would you describe this marking period? Where are you growing? Where do you need help growing? And be specific!”
I say this because we are already half way through the second marking period. It is clear that everyone in the field of education and mental health, and parenting for that matter, agree that we are all focusing on supporting children through this strange time and we are carefully watching their emotional health. However, the academics also define their school life, and by middle school, we expect them to take responsibility for their effort, organizational skills, and ability to know when they need help.
It is very ok to nudge and to remind them to look ahead with a plan.
With Respect,
Jacqui, Katie & Ilene
P.S. If you missed the Video Festival you can view all the videos here (password: #75morton). And don’t forget next Wednesday, February 3 is Morton Day. We have fun activities planned for students during 4th-7th periods.