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May 27, 2021
Dear Families,
The 8th grade is immersed in high school offers. It is a tense, celebratory, and heartbreaking time in middle schools across the city. This is the second year that the system changed so we applaud our families and students for their work in navigating the application process and for waiting patiently for the results.
Many of you ask for stats. Here they are:
# of Students % of Student
1st Choice Matches 86 students 28%
2nd Choice Matches 44 students 14%
3rd-5th Choice Matches 35 students 12%
Specialized High Schools 29 students 9%
LaGuardia High School 13 students 4%
About 54% of our 8th graders got into one of their top 5 choices. 75 Morton has been open since 2017, this is our 4th year and only our second graduating class. We are very proud of the work of the students, staff, and families. We are still young and yet the closeness of our community, the work of our ongoing journey, and the energy of how we all faced COVID is remarkable.
We are continuing to work with the families of students who did not receive an offer from any of the schools on their lists- it is a bit under 10%, which is the city average. The system is mysterious and anxiety provoking, but we will always continue to do our best to help.
Huge thanks to Elaine, Rachel, and Jill for their endless energy, patience, and wisdom. This was a very tricky year with the Pandemic and changing application process. They were ON at the beginning of the year with systems and communication and plenty of ideas and advice! And then there is our amazing staff who supported our 8th graders, wrote many, many recommendations, and also gave advice and virtual hugs.
It is not even worth looking at the calendar at this point- none of us can believe that we keep ripping off the pages- but as we hear the news of ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF back in buildings next fall- we can look ahead with energy and excitement. That is essential news for planning, for hope and for clarity. The ruling on social distancing and the 3’ Rule is crucial information for setting up rooms and teaching assignments. As usual, we will have Plan A-Z ready to go!
With Respect,