NYC is opening up - what that means for our students

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May 20, 2021

Dear Families,

So, NYC opened up yesterday. The rules around wearing masks and all safety protocols are still in place in NYC DOE schools, thankfully. And it appears more of our students are getting vaccinated- another safety measure. 

Our children however, are living in a city of mixed messages. If only we could bottle the immense ability to be flexible during these times, especially in the kids. We can trust that this flexibility is finding its way into their minds and personalities. None of us are naive enough to think that the minds of 11-14 year olds actually store away all successful or failed experiences in neatly categorized compartments in their heads and hearts- calling upon the knowledge to inform them in other situations. The strengths they are developing are not exactly like depositing money in the bank- waiting to be used when necessary. 

But- what we do know is that the behaviors we are seeing, enjoying, and despairing over, are more acutely felt due to the times we are in. We are holding many stories for our children right now, and we are hanging onto these stories to tell them later- about how they handled this complicated time in history. Pay attention, watch, and enjoy.

I hesitantly take my mask off when walking in Riverside Park, but put it back on when walking down Broadway in my neighborhood. A natural rule follower, I am not quite sure what an “opened up city” means. I am leaning towards what makes me comfortable, keeps me feeling safe, and shows respect for other nervous people. I get it.

Our children are navigating their way through this maze of messages and promises and hope. Let’s help them learn to read the signs, stay safe, and trust that you are there to catch them.

With Respect,
