Family and Community Newsletter - May 30th - June 2nd, 2023
Family Shout Outs!
If you have a shout out for a community member, please email and we will be sure to include it in the newsletter!
Shout out to all of the families who joined us for our first ever STEAM Maker's Fair!
Shout out to the 7th-grade families who set up and chaperoned our Spring Fling!
Shout out to Jin Montclaire and the team at SOAR for developing curriculum resources that support and enrich 8th-grade Science!
Student Life at 75 Morton
Check out all of the exciting things happening at 75 Morton - it was a busy week once again!
7th-grade students model the rock cycle in science!
PFLAG speakers came to speak with the GSA!
8th-grade students practice active listening in advisory!
75 Morton had a great showing at our first track meet of the year! GO BOLTS!
6th and 7th graders made banners to celebrate our graduating 8th graders - a new Morton tradition!
75 Morton participated in the Project Pivot Summit with our CBO Open Door for the Arts!
Spanish-speaking Youth Leadership Council members visited with our local YCOs!
7th and 8th grade STEAM majors participated in our first STEAM Maker's Fair!
Last Week's Advisory Topics
Families - you can use these topics to reinforce what was learned in advisory at home. These are great "dinner table" topics!
6th Grade:
- Circle 22: Know What You Want and Put It Out There
- Jumprope Check-Ins and Catch Up Day!
- Healthy Relationships: Understanding Consent and Understanding and Preventing Sexual Harassment - Part 2
- ThunderSTARS: Gun Violence
7th Grade:
- Circle 24: Natural Assertive Messages
- ThunderBOLT Banners for 8th graders
- Catch Up Day!
8th Grade:
- Circle 23: Losing My Friends to Weed
- The Ripple Effect
- Locker Clean Out and Catch Up Day!
Summer "Homework" for 6th and 7th Graders - Summer Reading 2023
Dear Families,
When students return to school in the fall, many of them often start the academic year with achievement levels lower than where they were at the beginning of summer break. This phenomenon – sometimes referred to as summer learning loss, summer setback, or summer slide – is of great consequence to us at 75 Morton. The research suggests that if students simply read - any books - we can offset this loss. Therefore, this year, like every year, we are requiring that every student read at least 5 books of their choosing this summer.
Where will kids get their books? There are a number of possibilities -
On their own. Of course, kids can always get books from their public libraries and bookstores. Independent access to books is always a goal here at Morton.
Here in school. We will be setting up a summer book "shopping" room for kids to get for summer books for free. This "shopping" will take place the week of June 12 during independent reading classes.
In addition to book shopping, Rebecca, the Jefferson Market Young People’s Librarian, will be here with NYPL summer book lists and some giveaways (although the NYPL summer reading program is much smaller this summer). She will also be signing kids up for library cards.
Finally, it has been a Morton tradition for kids to come into school in the Fall with a picture of themselves and their books. A slide to explain this will be provided for all 6th & 7th graders. The goal will be to cover the bulletin boards with summer reading pictures in September.
It is the work of independent reading classes to set kids up for the summer. However, we need YOU to support your child's success this summer by reminding them of their assignment and providing them the space and support to read at least 5 books.
Any questions, concerns, or ideas? Contact Donna at
MAP Testing
Students will complete their final MAP assessments this week and next. Please encourage your child to do their best! These scores are important to our teachers as they evaluate data and student performance.
Tuesday 5/30 - 6th Math MAP
Wednesday 5/31 - 7th Math MAP
Thursday 6/1 - 8th Algebra 1 MAP
Student scores will be sent home the week of June 5th
And Also:
Please consider donating to our PTA today! Whether $750, $75, or $7.50, any amount supports our students!
Sophie Gershon
From Previous Newsletters:
SWAG - Show your Morton Pride! Morton swag stocked items are available for purchase and will be delivered to students in school Families should be checking Jumprope weekly to monitor student scores. If you need login support, please email your child's advisor.
Family Handbook - Families are responsible for reading our Family Handbook. School policies and procedures, grading, and staff information can be found there. Students will also be receiving a student handbook they will review during orientation.
Important Dates:
May 30th - Coffee Talk w/Hope: Preparing for the HS Process
May 31st - 7th Grade Morton Day
June 6th - Spring Concert - 6pm
June 8th - Chancellor's Day - NO SCHOOL
June 9th - Clerical Day - NO SCHOOL
June 14th - 6th Grade Intrepid Museum Field Trip
June 14th - Living Environments Regent 11:00 am
June 15th - Algebra Regent 11:00 am
June 16th - 8th Grade Graduation - 10:00 am
June 16th - 7th grade MoMA Trip
June 19th - Juneteenth - No School
June 20th - 8th Grade Party
June 21st - 8th Grade Town Hall - Transitioning to High School
June 26th - Senior Trip
June 27th - Last Day of School
75 Morton Goals
Goal #1
Create space and time for staff to connect, create, and share joy in order to build community, encourage a sense of well-being, and demonstrate trust.
Goal #2
Teachers reflect upon and then revise school policies and procedures so that all voices and experiences are heard and the school community can be responsive to teacher and student needs.
Goal #3
Develop teacher pedagogy around discussion, with a focus on equity of voice, in order to create learning environments where students know their voices matter, to amplify voices that may not be heard, and improve student comprehension
Goal #4
Create a school-wide understanding of restorative practices and implement those practices in a consistent, transparent manner to staff, students, and families.