Family and Community Newsletter May 8th, 2023

Family Shout Outs!

If you have a shout out for a community member, please email and we will be sure to include it in the newsletter!

  • Shout out to the PTA for an amazing week of treats and love and appreciation for our staff! The weather cooperated for both events on the roof - it was gorgeous! 

Student Life at 75 Morton

Check out all of the exciting things happening at 75 Morton during the first week of May! 

  • 8th-grade drama performed scenes from Henry IV in collaboration with our Theater for a New Audience partnership!

  • 7th-grade advisories had fun with sidewalk poetry!

  • 6th-grade Spanish Math Afterschool brings learning and fun to our students!

  • 6th- grade students were an excellent audience for Miss Kathy during our Urban Word Kick-Off event!  Katherine (Miss Kathy) is an actor and poet who was an Urban Word Fellow in high school and is finishing her degree at Columbia!

"Check Out" What's Happening in the Library

  • This month’s library challenge of the month is Fantasy books.  Thanks Lya Z for requesting it.

  • 7th graders help set up Asian American Heritage Month book display.

  • 6th graders begin a Book Tree of their favorite books of the year.

Highlight Book of the Week:  The Way Home Looks Now by Wendy Wan-Long Shang

Advisory Topics - Week of 5/6

6th Grade:

- Climate Action Week

- Poetry Project 

7th Grade:

- Advisory Circle 21: Who are you and what do you stand for?

- ThunderSTARS: AAPI Month

8th Grade: 

- Advisory Circle 20:When should we decide to be Submissive, Assertive, or Aggressive?

- ThunderSTARS: AAPI Month

Dear Families,

On Tuesday we have the privilege of hosting the Mayor's Office for Manhattan's first-ever youth-centered Breaking Bread, Building Bonds.

Breaking Bread is a citywide initiative from Mayor Eric Adams with the aim of cultivating the diversity of our city. Attendees sit around a table and share food over a conversation about personal stories and how we experience community. 75 Morton will have student and teacher facilitators joining each table to represent our school and share their voices.

This event is a collaboration of 75 Morton Middle School, NYC Service, and the Sixth Precinct's Youth Leadership Council. We are proud to have been selected for this event and look forward to hosting it.



And Also:

  • Please consider donating to our PTA today! Whether $750, $75, or $7.50, any amount supports our students !

From Previous Newsletters:

  • Vaccination Updates - Effective February 10, 2023, DOE employees are no longer required to provide proof of vaccination. Additionally, visitors entering DOE schools or buildings are no longer required to provide proof of vaccination.

  • SWAG - Show your Morton Pride!  Morton swag stocked items are available for purchase and will be delivered to students in school

  • Jumprope: Families should be checking Jumprope weekly to monitor student scores. If you need login support, please email your child's advisor.

  • Family Handbook - Families are responsible for reading our Family Handbook. School policies and procedures, grading, and staff information can be found there. Students will also be receiving a student handbook they will review during orientation. 

Important Dates: 

  • May 12th - 7th and 8th grade Instrumental Music Field Trip - Chaperones needed!

  • May 17th - 8th Grade Field Day

  • May 18th - Art Show - 6pm

  • May 19th - 6th-grade advisory Field Trips

  • May 23rd - Talent Show - 4pm

  • May 25th - 26th - STEAM Maker's Fair

  • May 25th - 7th grade Spring Fling 5on

  • June 6th - Spring Concert  - 6pm

  • June 8th - Chancellor's Day - NO SCHOOL

  • June 9th - Clerical Day - NO SCHOOL

  • June 14th - 6th Grade Intrepid Museum Field Trip

  • June 14th - Living Environments Regent 1:15pm

  • June 15th - Algebra Regent 1:15pm

  • June 16th - 8th Grade Graduation

  • June 19th - Juneteenth - No school

  • June 20th - 8th Grade Graduation Party

  • June 21st - 8th Grade Townhall - Transitioning to High School

  • June 22nd - Senior Trip

  • June 27th - Last Day of School

75 Morton Goals

Goal #1

Create space and time for staff to connect, create, and share joy in order to build community, encourage a sense of well-being, and demonstrate trust.

Goal #2

Teachers reflect upon and then revise school policies and procedures so that all voices and experiences are heard and the school community can be responsive to teacher and student needs.

Goal #3

Develop teacher pedagogy around discussion, with a focus on equity of voice, in order to create learning environments where students know their voices matter, to amplify voices that may not be heard, and improve student comprehension

Goal #4

Create a school-wide understanding of restorative practices and implement those practices in a consistent, transparent manner to staff, students, and families.

Equity Vision

At 75 Morton, we believe that all students can achieve high-levels of academic success. We believe students learn best when:

  • their identities are affirmed and nurtured

  • their voices are heard and valued

  • authentic connections are built between students, families, and staff