Morton Magic!
Have a shout out to a parent or member of our community? Please share at and we will be sure to include in the weekly newsletter!
Shout out to Maya Brewster-Dorian, Rebecca Lupardo, and the parents on the SLT for your support!
Shout out to Council Member Erik Bottcher and State Senator Brad Hoylman for their vocal support of 75 Morton!
Student Life at Morton
Check out some of the exciting things happening at Morton this week!
8th-grade students are learning about the period of Industrialization in social studies! They looked at the business strategy of creating monopolies and had a chance to play monopoly in class using some of the strategies that their Industrialists used to be successful!
8th-grade students submitted writing to the Scholastic Writing Competition, and 8 of them won!
Students participated in Townhalls on Monday morning to share their ideas for making our community stronger!
Monday - Valentine's Day!
Tuesday - Picture Day!
Wednesday - Sports Day!
Thursday - Crazy Hair Day!
Friday - Pajama Day!
Dear Families,
As you may know, we have had many visitors in our school building over the past week. Each and every person who has walked through our doors has spoken so highly of our school and had such positive things to say about our community. Katie, Ilene, and I want to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your continued support of 75 Morton.
We are updating some of our policies and procedures based on feedback from NYC DOE officials and students.
Starting on Tuesday, February 15th, we will be moving from three entrances to two entrances in order to maximize the use of our staff and to help ensure the safety of your children.
6th and 7th graders who are not eating breakfast will be entering and exiting through the MORTON STREET entrance.
8th graders will still enter and exit through the GREENWICH STREET entrance. This entrance closes at 8:45.
If your child eats school breakfast they will also enter through the GREENWICH STREET entrance. Doors will now open at 8:15 for breakfast.
Our CAASS machines are up and running. Students must swipe in each morning for attendance purposes. They will automatically be marked late at 8:40 and will get a late pass. Students MUST bring their IDs every day.
Cell phones, air pods, and headphones are to be left in your students’ locker.
All first period teachers will remind students to put their phones, air pods and headphones into their lockers. This will be considered their first warning.
If any student is found with any of these items after first period, they will be collected by school staff. We have too many students using their phones in the hallways and classrooms.
If this happens more than once, a guardian will need to come collect the items and the student will receive a strike, resulting in a lunch detention.
Students can continue to use their cell phones if they go to outlunch but must return them their lockers after lunch.
Additional staff will be in hallways all day long and in stairwells during passing.
Students must have a pass at all times in the hallways, and any staff member may ask to see a pass.
Students receive a CVS warning for not having a mask on properly, disruptive behavior in the hallways, eating food or drinking in the halls or classroom, or lateness to class.
3 CVS warnings = Strike (lunch detention)
Students may not ride the elevator without a pass. If they are found on an elevator without permission, they will receive a strike.
Students will be informed of these policies in a town hall tomorrow.
And Also:
Talent Show! All students will attend the Talent Show during their WIN period on Thursday. Families of students who are performing will be invited to watch their child - please be on the lookout for an invite with the time!
Picture Day is Tuesday! Please see email from Jill
From Previous Newsletters:
At Home COVID Tests- All students will be given 2 at home COVID tests on the Thursday or Friday (2/17, 2/18) before Mid-Winter Break. Please have your child take these tests Saturday and Sunday (2/26, 2/27) before returning to school on Monday, February 28th for the safety of our community.
UPDATED QUARANTINE POLICY 1/31/22 - Based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and New York State Department of Health (DOH) guidance, the New York City Department of Education (DOE) has shortened the isolation period for K-12 students with a positive COVID-19 test result from 10 days to 5 days.This means if your child tests positive for COVID-19 and is in kindergarten or higher, your child can return to school on Day 6 if they have no symptoms or their symptoms are improving, and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. Students returning from isolation on Day 6 must wear a well-fitting mask such as a KN95, KF94, or a cloth mask over a disposable surgical mask on Days 6–10.
Please see all updates and COVID 19 information from the DOE here.
Free Covid Tests and Masks -
- You can request and receive free covid tests and masks. It is very easy to request them! Go to and complete the short information to get your tests.
- The Postal Service is delivering one shipment of 4 COVID tests per residential address. Enter your name, address and email at to request a shipment.Please complete the health screening every morning. Please do not send students to school if they have symptoms.
Kids aged 5 - 12 are now eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. You can locate a vaccination site here (for first or second dose). You can also earn $100 for 75 Morton by naming us as the referring organization.
Question? Check the family handbook first!
High School Application Updates from the DOE
The high school application will open during the week of January 24, 2022, and the deadline to apply will be March 1, 2022.
Interested in applying to arts (audition) programs? Learn how to start preparing for auditions now, including for Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, NYC's audition Specialized High School, on the Auditions page.
Important Dates:
Tuesday, February 15th - Picture Day!
Wednesday - PTA Meeting
Wednesday - Office Hours with Valerie (3;30 - 4:00pm) on zoom
Thursday, February 17th - Talent Show (pds 4, 5, 6)
Monday, February 21st - Friday, February 25th - Mid-Winter Break
Looking for a way to support our teachers and show them some love? Teachers love snacks! You can have them sent to the main office. Email or if you have questions.