Morton Magic!
Have a shout out to a parent or member of our community? Please share at and we will be sure to include in the weekly newsletter!
Student Life at Morton
Check out some of the exciting things happening at Morton this week!
6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students participated in townhalls with speakers from PFLAG to hear the stories of people representing a range of LGBTQ+ experiences. This townhall helps our students foster a safe, supportive environment for everyone at 75 Morton and beyond!
8th grade students have been working on their final Reconstruction Projects this week. They convey powerful messages about the Reconstruction Era of the 1870's - the racism, oppression, laws that tried but failed to protect Black Americans, the bravery, the hope, and the beginning of the tradition of fighting for social justice in America!
8th graders sharpen their math skills with math games!
810s teachers get creative for Rainbow Day during Spirit Week!
Dear Families,
First, off, Happy New Year to those who celebrate Lunar New Year! February is going to be an exciting month at 75 Morton - student council and BSU have plans to celebrate Black History Month, students will be participating in an advisory door decorating competition, and we will have a talent show on February 17th! Throw in Valentine's Day and then a week off for Mid-Winter Break, and it will be March before we know it.
Students will also be moving into Cycle 2 of their WIN (What I Need) classes. Some students will continue with their current reading or math interventions, while other students will be in a new class for 6 weeks. Each grade level has exciting options created by the teachers, and students are grouped by "need." Some classes include: public speaking, executive functioning, book clubs, math enrichment, community building through storytelling, financial literacy, empathic interviewing, sports: history and its impact on culture, and typing. After six weeks, students will rotate groups. We're excited for these classesand we hope the kids truly get what they need!
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union has been meeting regularly each Friday to bring together an underrepresented group of students within the Morton community. Our goal is to raise self awareness, while spreading knowledge to the broader school community. Our club strives to embrace our differences as a school and build alliances.
We looked at the racial breakdown of 75 Morton and discussed what it is like being a black student at Morton. We also discussed code switching and what that looks like as a black student navigating multiple identities--at school, at home, with friends, and in the larger city community. Our meetings encourage students to engage in these topics through discussions, watching powerful videos, and by sharing our own personal stories with one another.
Here are some of the videos:
For Black History Month, students are creating a book display in the library. We want the 75 Morton community to explore books about the African American experience in the past and the present, and to read novels with complex African American protagonists.
We welcome your ideas, resources and input as we build our club!
Thanks for your support!
And Also:
UPDATED QUARANTINE POLICY 1/31/22 - Based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and New York State Department of Health (DOH) guidance, the New York City Department of Education (DOE) has shortened the isolation period for K-12 students with a positive COVID-19 test result from 10 days to 5 days. This means if your child tests positive for COVID-19 and is in kindergarten or higher, your child can return to school on Day 6 if they have no symptoms or their symptoms are improving, and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. Students returning from isolation on Day 6 must wear a well-fitting mask such as a KN95, KF94, or a cloth mask over a disposable surgical mask on Days 6–10.
Please see all updates and COVID 19 information from the DOE here.
From Previous Newsletters:
Updated Absence policy 1/24/22:
Students who are home for other reasons may choose to complete their work on google classroom, but they will be marked absent. Per DOE policy, teachers are not required to post on google classroom for any student except a student who has a positive COVID result. Any work the teacher posts on google classroom for other students is their choice.
Free Covid Tests and Masks -
- You can request and receive free covid tests and masks. It is very easy to request them! Go to and complete the short information to get your tests.
- The Postal Service is delivering one shipment of 4 COVID tests per residential address. Enter your name, address and email at to request a shipment.Please complete the health screening every morning. Please do not send students to school if they have symptoms.
Kids aged 5 - 12 are now eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. You can locate a vaccination site here (for first or second dose). You can also earn $100 for 75 Morton by naming us as the referring organization.
Question? Check the family handbook first!
High School Application Updates from the DOE
The high school application will open during the week of January 24, 2022, and the deadline to apply will be March 1, 2022.
Interested in applying to arts (audition) programs? Learn how to start preparing for auditions now, including for Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, NYC's audition Specialized High School, on the Auditions page.
Important Dates:
Tuesday, February 1st - Lunar New Year - No School
Wednesday, February 2nd Office Hours with Valerie - 3:30 - 4:00pm
Tuesday, February 15th - Picture Day!
Thursday, February 17th - Talent Show (pds 4, 5, 6)
Monday, February 21st - Friday, February 25th - Mid-Winter Break
“Looking for a way to support our teachers and show them some love? Teachers love snacks! You can have them sent to the main office. Email or if you have questions.”