Family and Community Newsletter - January 24th - 28th, 2022

Morton Magic!

Have a shout out to a parent or member of our community? Please share at and we will be sure to include in the weekly newsletter!

  • Shout out to Deborah Posternak Assayag for the bags and bags of candy and cookies for teachers!

Student Life at Morton

Check out some of the exciting things happening at Morton this week!

  • 7th-grade students presented their Phase Change Comic Strips to their peers!

  • 7th graders learn how to play the guitar!

  • 6th graders collaborate with iSchool High School students to play games created by the high schoolers and provide feedback!

  • 6th graders made cards and valentines for Meals on Wheels recipients for MLK Jr Day of Service!

Dear Families,

Dear Staff,

On Friday, I had my Principal Practice Observation, a yearly evaluation for each principal in the DOE. Our superintendent, Kelly McGuire, and our Deputy Superintendent, Reggie Higgins, met with me, walked around the school, and visited classrooms. This event forced me to pause and consider all that we have accomplished at 75 Morton in the past 5 months. I was asked to share a "celebration," and I chose our work with Restorative Justice. It was incredible to list out all that we have done in addition to the amazing lessons created by our advisory team that are taught in advisory by our dedicated teachers.

I want to share this celebration with our families as well!  Below is a list of Restorative Justice Practices that we have added to our school community this year:

  • Fairness Circles

    • Student/Student

    • Teacher/Student

    • Class Circles

    • Family Circles - both including and not including students

  • Re-entry Circles 

  • Daily Circles with Social Worker & Restorative Coordinator

  • 1:1 daily touchpoints 

  • Future Leaders (with our Youth Community Officers)

  • Explorers Program (with our YCOs)

I also shared the work of our Equity Team, our equity journey as a school this year, and our new Equity Vision. While it has been an overwhelming year in many ways, I am so proud of 75 Morton and what we have accomplished. Our Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent were also impressed by the work we have done, and continue to do, to support our students. 75 Morton is a special community unlike any other in District 2, and I am so proud to be a part of it.

With love,


And Also:

  • Updated Absence policy 1/24/22:

    • If a student tests COVID for COVID, they will be marked "remote present" if they complete work on google classroom. When a student tests positive, the teacher is required to post work on google classroom for that child and have 1 office hour per week.

    • Students who are home for other reasons may choose to complete their work on google classroom, but they will be marked absent. Per DOE policy, teachers are not required to post on google classroom for any student except a student who has a positive COVID result. Any work the teacher posts on google classroom for other students is their choice.

  • Free Covid Tests and Masks -
    - You can request and receive free covid tests and masks. It is very easy to request them! Go to and complete the short information to get your tests.
    - The Postal Service is delivering one shipment of 4 COVID tests per residential address. Enter your name, address and email at to request a shipment.

  • Mid-Year Math MAP Assessments will take place this week.

    • Wednesday periods 1 -3 6th grade

    • Thursday periods 1 - 3 8th grade

    • Friday periods 1 - 3 7th grade

    • FAQs for families can be found here if you need a refresher!

  • A reminder that the 75 Morton staff does not make the COVID policies. I know they can be frustrating, but the staff is required to implement these policies.

From Previous Newsletters:

  • Please complete the health screening every morning. Please do not send students to school if they have symptoms.

  • Kids aged 5 - 12 are now eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. You can locate a vaccination site here (for first or second dose). You can also earn $100 for 75 Morton by naming us as the referring organization.

  • Question? Check the family handbook first!

High School Application Updates from the DOE

The high school application will open during the week of January 24, 2022, and the deadline to apply will be March 1, 2022. 

Interested in applying to arts (audition) programs? Learn how to start preparing for auditions now, including for Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, NYC's audition Specialized High School, on the Auditions page

Important Dates: 

  • Monday, January 24th - Friday, January 28th - Spirit Week!

  • Wednesday, January 26th - MAP ELA  6th grade periods 1 - 3

  • Wednesday, January 26th - Office Hours with Valerie - 3:30 - 4:00pm

  • Thursday, January 27th - MAP ELA  8th grade periods 1 - 3

  • Friday, January 81st - MAP ELA 7th grade periods 1 - 3

  • Tuesday, February 1st - Lunar New Year - No School

  • Tuesday, February 15th - Picture Day! 

  • Thursday, February 17th - Talent Show (pds 4, 5, 6)

  • Monday, February 21st - Friday, February 25th - Mid-Winter Break

Looking for a way to support our teachers and show them some love? Teachers love snacks! You can have them sent to the main office. Email or if you have questions.