Family and Community Newsletter - October 4th - October 8th, 2021

Morton Magic!

Have a shout out to a parent or member of our community? Please share at and we will be sure to include in the weekly newsletter!

  • Shout out to Bruce, Maya, Deborah, and Joe for participating in our first SLT meeting of the year!

Student Life at Morton

Every day is full of learning and fun! Check out some of the things happening at Morton this week.

  • Boys' and girls' soccer had their first game!

  • 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students shared their thoughts about fairness circles and it was turned into a mural!

  • 8th-graders work on color logic where investigators will try to figure out the pattern on the Grid Designer’s grid by asking as few questions as possible!

  • 7th-grade scientists learn about effective group work by putting together a puzzle!

  • 7th-grade readers learn about choosing a just right book!

  • JV flag football plays for the win!

Dear Families,

When I began teaching in 2002, rubrics were a new phenomenon. I remember having to lead professional developments to help new teachers learn about the concept of a rubric; I had them describe the perfect chocolate chip cookie, create criteria for each level, 1 - 4, and then rate different cookies on their rubric.

We've come a long way in 20 years - rubrics are at the heart of effective teaching and learning.  Rubrics allow students to have a clear understanding of what is expected as well as what steps are needed to achieve a higher level. Think back to your school experience: if you scored a "9/10" on a quiz, what did that mean? What did or didn't you understand? What are the next steps would you need to take? Rubrics, or "standards-based grading," remove the mystery. 

At 75 Morton, we utilize standards-based grading. All outcomes in our teacher grade books are connected to state standards, and each outcome has a rubric associated with it. Students can receive a 1 - 4 on any assignment and should be able to clearly identify why they received that score and what next steps can be taken to improve their learning. Standards-based grading allows for more equitable grading as well greater transparency for students and their families. If you are unfamiliar with Jumprope, our grading system,  there will be a learning curve, but it will allow us to focus our conversations on standards and student skills.

Students learned about Jumprope during advisory this week, and I recommend you read through the slides and bookmark them. There is a lot of important information here. We will also be offering Family Workshops on Jumprope in the next couple of weeks.

Here's to learning!


And Also:

- 8th-grade out lunch starts Monday! Students must have their ID cards. 6th and 7th-grade out lunch will begin once they all have ID cards. Students who have lunch detention or are not following school rules will be not allowed to attend out lunch.

- Never got to tour our beautiful building? You can sign up for an in-person tour this Thursday morning. You must be vaccinated!

From Previous Newsletters:

-- Be sure you have completed the blue card, out lunch consent form (optional), and comfort dog consent forms. They are VERY important! 

- Question? Check the family handbook first!

- COVID Testing Consent

  • If your child is not vaccinated, please complete the COVID Testing Consent Form.

  • It is located in your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA), or you can complete it by submitting a signed paper consent form. We will send these home with students as well.

- Vaccination

  • Students who have been vaccinated need to upload proof in the portal:  COVID-19 Vaccination Portal

    • You will need to use your student’s NYC DOE email account.  If you need help accessing that information, please email or visit the DOE Student Account page for help setting up or accessing your child’s account.

    • It is important to upload your child’s vaccination status so that in the event of a COVID exposure, your child can still attend school (as long as no symptoms are present).

    • New DOE Visitor Policy: In order to protect staff and students in DOE buildings, all visitors wishing to enter DOE buildings must show proof of having at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccination. Acceptable proof of vaccination is one of the following:

Important Dates: 

  • Monday, 10/4 - 8th grade out lunch begins

  • Thursday, 10/7 - School building tour

  • Monday, 10/11 - No School

Looking for a way to support our teachers and show them some love? Teachers love snacks! You can have them sent to the main office. Email or if you have questions.