Parent/Teacher Conferences

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March 6, 2021

Dear Friends,

Today was a big day at 75 Morton!

  • Kelly McGuire, our new D2 Superintendent, visited this morning. It was lovely. Ilene and I walked the building with him - peeking into classrooms and watching as our staff taught across the Zoom classroom and real classroom. Kelly admired how we have set up the year to ensure that when (and if) we go Remote, our students have no disruption in education because their schedules and teachers remain consistent.

  • Jane Ferguson is a multiple award-winning international correspondent, contributor to the New Yorker, and McGraw professor of journalism at Princeton University. She spoke to our 8th graders at lunch today. My husband and I watched Jane on the PBS Newshour and reached out to ask her to “visit” our schools. The 8th graders were all prepped and given the opportunity to ask Jane questions. The questions our students formulated were piercing, insightful, and brave. Jane was astounding, in her stories, answers, and ability to inspire our students to explore the world and to create a personal mission. This experience was a gift for our community. Here is her website: If you know of other journalists, or inspiring professionals who can bring the world to 75 Morton, please let me know. 

Parent-Teacher Conferences are next week, March 10 and 11. Please sign up for your phone conference with your child’s Advisor. As always, this is not the only opportunity you have to get information or questions answered. You can always reach out to us (Jacqui, Katie, Ilene), but first contact your child’s Advisor.

We started our weekly DOE Covid testing last week. Here is the unexpected delightful part of Covid testing. As the students are waiting in the hallway (6 feet a part), it feels like a REUNION! They get to chat and see friends they have not seen. The laughing and talking is wonderful. Even the staff who are getting tested pass by, see former students and get to catch up. Who knew Covid testing was such a community builder?

I hope some of you were able to join Renee Blake and Ken Saunders for Wednesday night’s talk: “I Am Not A Racist…” The feedback has been amazing and we are so pleased that Renee and Ken will continue their work with 75 Morton. I have asked one of the parents who participated to write about the experience for next week’s letter. 

Finally, I am including an article on parenting from the Washington Post. Thanks Nicki, who sent it to me!

With Respect,

Jacqui, Katie and Ilene