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November 18, 2019
Dear Friends,
This is an early HAPPY THANKSGIVING letter. But as we know, thanking goes on all year. So:
THANKS to Families - For your children, for your support of your children and 75 Morton, for your energy, for your opinions, for your ideas, for your solutions, for your humor, for your kindness.
THANKS to Staff - For your support of the children and of one another, for your energy, for your opinions, for your ideas, for your solutions, for your humor, for your kindness.
THANKS to Students - For your support of one another, for your energy, for your opinions, for your ideas, for your solutions, for your humor, for your kindness.
We have so much to celebrate on Thanksgiving - and we celebrate all of you.
So come celebrate with us! Join us for our second annual FRIENDS-GIVING PIE & CIDER OPEN HOUSE. Friday, November 22nd from 4pm - 6:30pm in the cafeteria. It's free. Bring the whole family! Click HERE to RSVP, volunteer and/or donate a pie! All leftover pies and cider will be donated to Xavier Mission's Welcome Table Soup Kitchen.
And remember to sign up for our next FUN-raiser - the Bowl-a-thonis back!
I am a really bad, but very enthusiastic bowler! I seem to aim for the gutter and actually drop, not roll the ball. Lucky for me last year I had some terrific parents and staff on my team and I picked up a few tips that I will be putting into action this year, so look out! Sign up HERE to register or to pledge a friend or teacher by November 27th.
With Respect,
P.S.THANKS to those of you who sent suggestions for the Parent/Bungalow Conferences. We are ready to improve next time!