Parent/Bungalow Conferences

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October 28, 2019

Dear Families,

Parent/Bungalow Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th from 5:00 - 7:30pm and Thursday, November 7th from 1:00 - 3:00pm. Don't forget that students will be dismissed at 11:30am on Thursday and there will be no afterschool programming. 

For the first time we will be using an online sign-up which will allow you to select the day and time that work best for you.  We will also be scheduling additional times for conferences on November 18, 24 and December 1 from 7:30am-8:30am. If you cannot find a time that works, we will help. Please do not panic. Our goal is to make sure you meet your child’s Bungalow teachers!

I am a complete nudge when it comes to these twice-a-year conferences. It is an important opportunity to meet your child's core teachers (Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies) and to make it clear to your children that you are involved and present in their academic/social/emotional school lives. We seriously aim for 100% participation and I have told the staff that they are fully allowed to make each and every family crazy until all families are scheduled. Blame me for incessant calls and emails - we mean it. We must connect with all families!

As many of you know, we have done Student Led Conferences for the past two years, in both the fall and spring. Last year we listened -  we heard that there was also a need for families to meet all of their child’s core teachers so we are moving the Student Led Conferences to the Spring.

Please read the following important information for Bungalow/Parent Conferences

  1. You will receive a separate email with a link and a code to the SchoolBookings website on Wednesday, October 30th. Please make your appointment as soon as you receive this email to get a time that works best for you.

  2. These conferences are for parents only. We do not have childcare and students are not sitting in on conferences. If they join you, they can sit quietly in the hall.

  3. The teachers have four minutes with each family. They will use a timer to keep to the schedule. Please arrive at the building 10 minutes before your scheduled time. If you arrive to the classroom late, you will lose time.

  4. Please note that we will be emailing progress reports a day or two prior to conferences. Please come with at least two questions that you’d like to ask your child’s teachers. We are estimating two minutes for teachers to present both a strength and an area of need, and two minutes for families to ask questions.

  5. We will have index cards available for any lingering questions you might have. They will be outside classrooms and the teachers will pick them up and communicate answers to you within a week.

On another note, the holidays are just around the corner! We have a new and exciting fundraising opportunity coming up in mid-November - Family Portraits! Grab this opportunity to have fun and fresh professional portraits taken of your family.  See some examples HERE. They make wonderful holiday gifts and cards!  More details HERE. Sign up HERE.

With Respect,
