Summer Letter #6 - Details on the school day

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August 14, 2020

Dear Families, 

I am headed back to the city soon. While I loved working from a different location, I honestly work better by a window at home, closer to all of you! 

As I take my morning walk here, with bear alarm in hand, I realize I am a bit over-prepared. The bears are looking for last night’s dinner, not an NYC principal, but better safe than sorry. 

Better safe than sorry -  that is how we are approaching the coming school year.

Some More Q & A:

Can we please match the schedules of elementary schools?

That is not possible. I understand, but it is simply impossible.

Will the students have PE, and will it be in the gym or outside?

We have not figured that out yet! We are thinking about using the gym for PE, and the yard if the weather permits. We must also take into consideration the schedule of our co-located school on the second floor. We will let you know as things develop.

Will the 7th and 8th graders have Intensives?

The Intensive program (3 days a week of visual arts, chorus, drama, band or STEM) is on hold. We are trying to come up with a plan that ensures that students applying to art and performing arts high schools get support - stay tuned!

When can we pick up the things from our lockers?

The system and schedule information will be out soon! We will also be distributing yearbooks.

When will you send home Schedules and Cohort Groups and Days?

We are AIMING for the week of 8/31.

Below I have imagined the school day for students both at home and at school. We are looking forward to your responses and ideas. Join us for Virtual Office Hours next week, or email 

Before you read on, I am going to pre-empt any complaints! Please, no magical thinking. Every detail was analyzed and considered by many minds, as was the plan itself which: serves the vast majority of the children; is not perfect; and will improve over time. 

While I appreciate the tremendous hardship on families, please remember that this is also a huge hardship for educators. They are being asked to educate in awful circumstances, knowing they must move carefully as they simultaneously try to unleash their creative forces and meet their own high standards in this difficult educational landscape. 





- Line up 6’ apart outside. Masks on.
- Go through screening process.
- Grab school breakfast and/or lunch. (Students can bring a bagged lunch. No outside breakfast allowed.
- Socially distanced walk up to the classroom.
- Sit socially distanced facing one way in the classroom until 8:30am. Students can eat school breakfast at this point.

The teachers have a DOE mandated planning period from 8:00-8:30am. School aides and paras will be monitoring students on each floor.



- Turn on computer and be ready! Cameras on!

- The few weeks will be bumpy as we master the safety protocols and systems. We are confident that using 3 entrances will accelerate the screening process, but nonetheless your children may be waiting a bit at 8:30am.

We ask that in the first weeks, your children use this time for independent reading as they wait for class to begin. It should be no more than 5-10 minutes and will decrease as the systems improve.

The school day is identical for ALL students from 8:30am - 2:00pm, regardless
where they are learning.





Class starts!
The day will proceed with:
4 Core Classes

- 10 minute asynchronous lesson
- 25 minute synchronous interaction

Advisory / Lunch
2 Specials

The day ends. It is one hour shorter than before!
- Socially distanced dismissal.

Teachers will use this time for communicating with families.


Class starts!
The day will proceed with:
4 Core Classes

- 10 minute asynchronous lesson
- 25 minute synchronous interaction

Advisory / Lunch
2 Specials

**We suggest that your child eat with his or her class.

The day ends. It is one hour shorter than before!

The first day of school (currently rumored to be Thursday, September 10) is still tentative! We will keep you up to date on everything as soon as we know more.

See you next week at our Virtual Office Hours. Come with a smile, loads of patience, a sense of humor, and kindness. Not to mention some brilliant ideas please!

With respect,

Jacqui and Katie