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July 21, 2020
Dear Families,
As September approaches you will receive more news from us, and it may change from letter to letter.
I hesitate to overload you with information, especially when so much of it is hypothetical. However, we are all on this journey together and we have a shared focus: the health, safety and education of your children. So, read on. We hope the information below will give you more clarity on what the the beginning (at least) of the school year could look like.
I want to thank our Staff Summer Cabinet and our Parent Summer Cabinet. We could not do any of this without our long conversations and small victories!
Please keep up with the communications and remember, you can email Katie, Jill, and me at Stay flexible, email questions, be patient and, as always, kind.
Be Calm and 75 Morton Carry On!
This fall, your child’s school will offer a combination of in-person and remote learning. You can choose from two options:
1. 100% Remote Learning: Opt in to have your child learn 100% remotely (all online, from home). To choose this option for your child, fill out and submit this form. School Year 2020-2021 Form If you are having difficulties completing this form online, call 311.
2. Combination of In-Person and Remote Learning: Your child can follow their school’s schedule, a mix of in-person days at school and remote learning days from home. To choose this option, no action is needed: your school will be in touch about its schedule and programming plans in the coming weeks. Please visit the Return to School 2020pages on the website for more information.
If you chose 100% Remote Learning but want to change your child’s preference back to Blended Learning, complete this form again by August 7.
After August 7, any family who chose 100% Remote Learning will have the option to change back to Blended Learning at a few specific times during the school year.
The DOE has not released any mandatory guidelines. We are moving forward with preliminary ideas:
Arrival - Students will:
Use all three entrances. (Each grade will be assigned an entrance.)
Line up 6 feet apart.
Wear masks to be admitted.
Use hand sanitizer upon entering the building.
Have temperature taken (if required by the DOE).
Use hand sanitizer upon entering the classroom and throughout the day.
Late arrivals will wait in a safe area until an adult is available to screen the student. (If a student displays chronic lateness, we will have a family meeting.)
General -
Masks will be worn at all times throughout the day, except while eating lunch.
75 Morton’s modern air circulation system provides fresh, not recirculated air.
Only classrooms with windows that open will be utilized for teaching.
Per the DOE, nine students (what we are calling a pod) will learn in each classroom.
The custodial team will deep clean classrooms and shared spaces (bathrooms, stairwells, hallways) every night and shared spaces at least once each day.
No lockers will be used.
Lunch will be eaten in the classroom.
School aides will monitor bathrooms - one child at a time.
Teachers and staff will monitor students regarding masks. (Non-compliance will result in a family meeting.)
The school day is from 8:40am - 3pm for all students, whether in school (IS) or at home (AH).
We are leaning towards this model, DOE “Model 3”:
Group D - 100% Remote Learning
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1 A A B B C
Week 2 C A A B B
Week 3 C C A A B
Week 4 B C C A A
Week 5 B B C C A
Week 6 A B B C C
This model accounts for some students at home for full time Remote Learning (Group D). The remaining students will be divided into 3 cohorts (A, B, C) and attend school on select days per the chart above.
All students will be assigned to a class. (As in the past, about 30 students per class.) The class will adhere to the same learning schedule. For instance, if your child is in Class 720, their 720 classmates will be spread across Cohorts A-D. All students in class 720 (both IS and AH) will follow the same weekly and daily schedule, and have the same teachers.
Cohorts A, B, and C, while in school, will be with up to nine of their classmates (what we are calling a pod.) They will remain with their pod in their assigned classroom for the entire day.
Teachers will move from classroom to classroom (from pod to pod) to teach IS and AH students simultaneously over Zoom.
All students, both AH and IS, will have 8 periods a day - 4 core classes, 2 specials, lunch, and advisory.
Assessments in core classes will be given to all students at the beginning of the school year to guide the planning of curricula.
We are creating and delivering one curriculum to ALL 75 Morton students, regardless of where they are choosing to learn. There will be adaptations depending on the needs of students and in some cases, the learning environment (home or school).
IS and AH classmates will participate in classes simultaneously over Zoom.
Google Classroom will be utilized for Zoom links, classwork, etc. Both IS and AH students will sign in to each Zoom class at the scheduled time.
Break-out rooms will be used for small group learning, extra help, etc.
Previously released school supply requirements still apply. See the lists and shopping options here.
When can students access their lockers? Pick up yearbooks and Class of 2020 items?
When is the first day of school?
How will lunch be managed?
What about recess?
And the list goes on...
We know this category is so much bigger, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves!
We will figure this out with your help, with the staff's help, with the ideas of my colleagues in other schools, and possibly with the help of our Thunder Buddy Captains. (Details on that amazing program in Letter #4!)
Every day brings more news. Keep checking in, and send questions or ideas.
Stay healthy,
With Respect,
Jacqui and Katie