End of the year Thank Yous - but we'll stay in touch!

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June 26, 2020

Dear Families,

On the one hand, I feel this is a time to celebrate making it through our 3 ½ months of Remote Learning, 75 Morton style. I have been awed by all of you - balancing your home/work/school lives for your children. I have been awed by your children - showing up and engaging and really trying hard to get through school this way. I have been awed by our staff - their energy, resilience, collaboration, communication - all of the qualities needed to bring your children through this time.

On the other hand,  I am also saddened by the losses so many of you have suffered. Some of you have lost family and friends, and your children's lives have been forever changed. Some have lost jobs, and are moving, and starting over in new places. Your children have watched the city change, innocent lives lost in violent ways, and the world protest in beautiful ways - a lot to comprehend as we sit in our homes and venture out in masks. 

We left 75 Morton with hope of returning and turned that hope into determination. It is that same determination that will get us through the summer and into the unknowns of September. The staff is leaning in and creating curriculum, forming new department and grade teams,  collaborating, volunteering for summer think tanks, and cabinets, and proving once again that those who work at 75 Morton understand what is required to go above and beyond. 

While we wait for news we hover over different landing pads, ready to land and get to work the minute we have clear directions. Over the summer we will: rethink “live teaching”, create remote and blended curricula, think hard about reconnecting in September, and the social/emotional needs of our children. We are setting up a Thunder Buddy system to welcome incoming 6th graders. We are trying to get your children back to clean out lockers. We are designing new swag, speaking to consultants about equity work, rethinking systems and how to organize the school. 

I will be writing to all of you throughout the summer with news. There will be A LOT of news. We cannot wait to share it the minute it comes in! Stay tuned. Seriously, do not be surprised in September, not when we are working to keep you up to the minute. Check our website A LOT.

To the rising 7th grade students and families - good job. You didn’t even get to have your first full year, but you made it through and we cannot wait to get to know you better in the fall. We are really impressed by your children!

Finally -

MANY THANKS to our Dream Team: Stella and Alexandra (PTA), and Heather (SLT). The three of you listened, counseled, agreed, dissented, advised, loved and laughed. There is no possible way Katie, Ilene, and I could have made it through this period without you. The PTA Exec Board and the SLT have been beyond helpful all year.

MANY THANKS to Nick and the Graduation Committee that put together the graduation that was viewed on over 1800 devices throughout the United States and the world!

MANY THANKS to the new moms and dads who brought us our first 75 Morton babies - babies bring LUCK to a school!

Ben Jones- Winter Leigh, 12/22

Kiran Adams- Nico Alexandre, 1/10

Ayanna Emanuel- Emery Chance, 1/21

Wendy Castillo- Santiago Martel, 3/14

Adrienne Calandra- Venna Sophia, 5/18

Amanda Castello- Nicholas Parker, 6/22

Ilene Zucker- Benjamin Emmanuel, 6/23

HAVE A LOVELY SUMMER. We are not saying goodbye because we are staying in close touch. Have fun, stay healthy and safe, hug your children and THANK YOU. Thank you for your kindness, generosity of spirit, and grace.

With Respect,
