Processing emotions - check in with Advisory

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June 1, 2020

Dear Families,

It is Saturday afternoon and I just finished texting with my oldest daughter, asking her to stay safe at the George Floyd protest in Brooklyn. I am worried about her getting hurt or getting Covid. Not a good afternoon for a mother. Yet, I am proud of her and knew she would go.

I am also sad. How much more can our children process? How is all of this to be explained? Their teachers and the adults at school who usher them through the day are not there to model how to solve conflict, how to agree to disagree, how to manage emotions, how to stand up for justice. We are not right there to talk about heroes and victims and laws and equity. 

You are there. This is a hard time to parent. This is a hard time to leave space to feel strong emotions, answer hard questions, and accept difficult circumstances. 

The staff of 75 Morton has been sharing stories of what IS working during this time of education and time after time, they mention you, our 75 Morton families, for your kindness and support.

So we balance the facts of what is happening in our country with how we move ahead with hope, and we hug our children a little bit tighter. 

We are using our Advisory sessions this week to work with your children and to give them space to process their reactions and emotions, their questions, and confusion, and to have a place to talk. Please urge your child to join their Advisory this week. And please, if you or your child needs or wants to talk before the scheduled time, don't hesitate to reach out. 

With respect,
