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March 13, 2020
Dear Families,
Yesterday I overheard two students discussing COVID-19. One said to the other, “Don’t worry. It only matters if you are really old, like sixty.” Tuesday was my sixtieth birthday! But the reality is, it matters to all of us.
While we don’t have control over the city, the virus, or the state of emergency, we do have control over the mood here at school. We are working hard to maintain a feeling of calm as we adhere to the new protocols. We want your children to feel secure and safe here.
To that end, in the upcoming days our emphasis will be very different from usual. In addition to classroom teaching and learning, we are practicing social distancing, educating the students about the virus and hygiene, and washing our hands a lot.
Here are a few things we would like you to know:
As of now there have been no positive cases of coronavirus in any student or staff member at 75 Morton. Should this change, we will follow all DOE protocols.
All students and adults who show any signs of illness are being sent home. If your child has symptoms like coughing, fever, shortness of breath, or sore throat, do not send them to school.
The custodial staff will continue to deep clean and disinfect the school as per the DOE regulations
Teachers are beginning to plan for remote learning and preparing packets for students without access to technology, in the event that schools are closed.
For those children who are currently home from school, the DOE has published supplemental learning resources for you to access.
The DOE has not released any information regarding state testing. As soon as we have any information we will let you know.
Some families are choosing to keep their children at home. If you choose to do so, the absences will be coded “Corona COVID 19 Related Absences”. While the DOE has announced that these absences will not affect high school admissions, they will remain on your child’s record, as do all excused absences.
Some teachers and staff are also choosing to stay at home due to childcare needs and underlying health concerns that might put them at risk.
As we all adjust to the uncertainty of this new reality, we want to thank everyone - teachers, staff students and families - for staying flexible. The successful SLCs, changed to phone calls at the last minute, were indicative of the strength and adaptability of this community. We really are grateful.
With Respect,