Morton Magic!
Have a shout out to a parent or member of our community? Please share at and we will be sure to include in the weekly newsletter!
Shout out to the PTA for organizing a wonderful Welcome Back gathering on the first day of school!
6th grade students got to experience advisory for the first time, and everyone got lockers!
It's Hispanic Heritage Month!
Two great articles are below. One is about the history of and name “Hispanic Heritage” and the other is a list of books by Latino/a authors.
Dear Families,
We made it through the first week of school! Students were excited to be with one another again, and many parents told me their child had a great first week. The staff left on Friday tired but smiling, and it was a wonderful way to start the year.
Students spent a lot of time this week in orientation, town halls, and advisory to learn about Morton and begin building relationships with teachers and each other. We are excited to invite you to Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday (zoom) so that you can learn more about the school, teachers, and systems in place to help your child succeed. There will be opportunities to attend sessions on our new grading system, Jumprope, learn about our Restorative Justice practices, meet your student's bungalow teachers, and connect with other families in your student's advisory. Times, agenda, and zoom links will be sent in a separate email.
And Also:
- Meet the Teacher Night is Thursday, September 23rd from 4:30 - 7:30 PM over zoom. There will be an agenda sent home soon with all of the details and times for each grade level.
- Students need to bring a water bottle to school every day.
- Homework will also begin soon, so please make sure your child has a homework planner of some sort to stay organized.
From Previous Newsletters:
- Question? Check the family handbook first!
- COVID Testing Consent
If your child is not vaccinated, please complete the COVID Testing Consent Form.
It is located in your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA), or you can complete it by submitting a signed paper consent form. We will send these home with students as well.
- Vaccination
Students who have been vaccinated need to upload proof in the portal: COVID-19 Vaccination Portal
You will need to use your student’s NYC DOE email account. If you need help accessing that information, please email or visit the DOE Student Account page for help setting up or accessing your child’s account.
It is important to upload your child’s vaccination status so that in the event of a COVID exposure, your child can still attend school (as long as no symptoms are present).
New DOE Visitor Policy: In order to protect staff and students in DOE buildings, all visitors wishing to enter DOE buildings must show proof of having at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccination. Acceptable proof of vaccination is one of the following:
A CDC Vaccination Card - a photo or photocopy is also acceptable.
A NYC Vaccination Record or other official immunization record from within or outside the US, including from a health care provider. A photo or photocopy of this card is also acceptable.
Important Dates:
Tuesday 9/21 - 6th grade and New Family Orientation (8:45 in building and 5pm on zoom)
Thursday 9/23 - Meet the Teacher Night - 4:30 - 7:30 (zoom)
Monday 10/11 - No School