Morton Magic!
Have a shout out to a parent or member of our community? Please share at and we will be sure to include in the weekly newsletter!
Shout out to parent Benny Silman for providing us with his venue Bounce to hold our staff holiday party!
Student Life at Morton
Check out some of the things happening at Morton this week!
8th grade students worked in groups to extract ten words from chapters 10-11 of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian that revealed information about Junior and how he was torn between two worlds. They had to come to a consensus as a team and record them on post its!
7th-grade students worked on literary analysis for the book American Born Chinese!
Dear Families,
We know that building a healthy community is important. We also know that being a member of a community can be challenging, especially when times are difficult. In the first three months of school, I've witnessed incredibly beautiful moments of community alongside difficult ones.
Margaret Wheatley writes:
One of the most commonly heard phrases today is, “We’re all in this together.” From high-level leaders to local school board members to teen-agers offering service, this is the mantra of our time. This mantra makes visible what, until lately, has been invisible: community, the web of our interconnections, the safety net of caring that we extend to one another when life is hard. Fortunately, more people now are discovering that humans only persevere through difficulties when we’re truly together. Yet many of us, distracted by stress, anxiety, and busyness, have forgotten the power of community. We don’t have time for each other, and we hastily assign judgments and stereotypes to those we don’t know. Our pressure-cooked lives are driving us farther away from the very resource that could most help us—strong relationships with those in our community."
We will persevere through the difficult moments by being truly together. Let's remember this as we move forward into 2022. Treat yourself and others in our community with compassion. Practice taking a pause and asking a question. Learn someone's story. Ask "how can I help?" 75 Morton is all of us, together.
And Also:
Students MUST pass the Health Screening each morning. We have had a large number of COVID cases since returning from Thanksgiving Break. If your child is displaying ANY symptoms, please keep them home and get them tested. A reminder: if there is a positive COVID class with close contact in your child's classroom, all close-contact, unvaccinated students must quarantine for 10 days.
If a student is required to quarantine, all work will be posted in google classroom and each teacher will offer a one-hour office hour over the course of the week.
The End of 1st Marking Period was December 3rd. Teachers submit grades on December 10th, and report cards are available December 15th. Student report cards can be found at their NYC Schools Account. A conversion chart for JR can be found here.
From Previous Newsletters:
Students reviewed the importance of wearing a mask in advisory. Slides are here. Please reinforce at home - we've had a few COVID cases in the school and don't want anything to spread!
Kids aged 5 - 12 are now eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. You can locate a vaccination site here (for first or second dose). You can also earn $100 for 75 Morton by naming us as the referring organization.
Jumprope Slides from the information session are located here. Students also used these slides in their WIN period recently to learn how to log-on and use Jumprope
Question? Check the family handbook first!
Important Dates:
Tuesday, Dec. 14th - Magic Show 6:00pm - Register via Zoom link: Morton Magic Show
Wednesday, 12/15th - Office Hours with Valerie - 7th Grade Families - Zoom link - 3:30 - 4:00pm
Wednesday, 12/15 - 6th grade Morton Day period 7/8
Thursday, 12/16 - 7th grade Morton Day period 7/8
Friday, 12/17 - 6\8th grade Morton Day period 7/8
Thursday, 12/23 - Holiday Showcase for students
Friday, 12/24 - Sunday, 1/2 - Winter Break
“Looking for a way to support our teachers and show them some love? Teachers love snacks! You can have them sent to the main office. Email or if you have questions.”