Family and Community Newsletter - November 8th - November 12th, 2021

Morton Magic!

Have a shout out to a parent or member of our community? Please share at and we will be sure to include in the weekly newsletter!

Student Life at Morton

Every day is full of learning and fun! Check out some of the things happening at Morton this week.

  • GSA created a fantastic new bulletin board!

  • 8th graders work on categorizing different types of equations!

Congratulations to our 2021 - 2022 Student Council


Lola Vermeulen

Ella Kaufman

Pearl Ray


Lilyna Dunn

Felix Schoeller

Aster Cekaj

Deangel Carter


Owen Maher

Theo Morris

Kat Van Der Meer

Hailey Minus


Ana Feris

Talia Sobel

Jack Mottram

Salome Valtar


Ari Richardson

Help Beautify 75 Morton

We need approximately forty people to help beautify the tree beds surrounding our school, using native plants that have been purchased with grant money from NYC Parks Department.

  • The planting will be happening on Thursday 11/18, from 3:30 (arrival time) to approximately 5pm.

  • Masks must be worn outside while planting.

  • Sign up here and we'll see you there!

Dear Families,

Tomorrow I will be running my first NYC Marathon. I know it will be difficult, with many obstacles to overcome. But it will also be amazing. I can't wait to both experience it AND be finished with it. Forgive the extended metaphor, but it feels appropriate to connect it to my two-month journey as a principal.

This school year feels a lot like a marathon. It's been thrilling. It's been exhausting. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  We've had amazing highs - the first day back to school, Morton Days, 6th-grade Fright Night, outlunch, advisory, door-decorating - and we've also had our lows. We've encountered obstacles that felt like they would keep us from meeting our goal, with student conflict and COVID-related trauma being the largest ones. 

Thankfully, just like running a marathon, there are so many people cheering us on, especially when times get tough. We have also implemented supports to overcome the obstacles we've encountered.  And we know that by the end we will have accomplished something incredible.

To our journey together,


And Also:

- 7th Grade Office Hours with Valerie - 7th-grade families are invited to office hours on Wednesday afternoon to discuss how conflict between students is being handled in the schoo.

MAP assessment data was sent home on Thursday with 6th and 7th graders. 8th graders will come home with this information on Tuesday.

- Parent Teacher Conferences are on November 17th (evening) and 18th (afternoon). Advisors will send out letters to schedule conference times. All conferences are over zoom or the phone.

Jumprope Slides from the information session are located here. Students also used these slides in their WIN period recently to learn how to log-on and use Jumprope.

From Previous Newsletters:

Parent University is an online education portal from the NYC Dept. of Education which offers free, pre-recorded and live, online courses in adult education, arts, early childhood education, enrollment, health and fitness, multilingual learners, parent leadership, remote learning and technology, school buildings and operations, and special education. This short video tutorial explains how to create an account.

- Question? Check the family handbook first!

Important Dates: 

  • Wednesday - 11/10 - 3:30 - 4:30 Zoom Office Hours with Valerie (7th grade families)

  • Thursday, 11/11 - Veteran's Day - No School

  • Wednesday, 11/17 - Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences (5 - 7:3p0pm) on zoom

  • Thursday, 11/18 - Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences (1 - 3pm) on zoom. Student have early release at 11:50am

  • Wednesday, 11/24 - Pep Rally

  • Thursday and Friday, 11/25 - 11/26 - No School - Thanksgiving

Looking for a way to support our teachers and show them some love? Teachers love snacks! You can have them sent to the main office. Email or if you have questions.