Family and Community Newsletter - November 29th - December 3rd, 2021

Morton Magic!

Have a shout out to a parent or member of our community? Please share at and we will be sure to include in the weekly newsletter!

  • Shout out the PTA for the delicious pies!

Student Life at Morton

It was a short week but still chockfull of fun! Check out some of the things happening at Morton this week.

  • Students and teachers joined in the fun of Spirit Week! Tie-Dye Day, Twin Day, and Morton Swag!

  • Students had a blast at our annual Pep Rally! Students cheered for one another, the cheerleaders performed, and students had a dance off! Each pep rally ended with a teacher rock, paper, scissors contest!

  • 8th grade scientists used skittles and m&ms to model what happens to the molecules in photosynthesis and cellular respiration reactions!

Dear Families,

While our 8th graders are beginning the high school process, incoming 5th graders are also considering what middle school they want to attend. While this year has been unlike any other, we love being able to return to some normalcy with middle school tours.

We are in full swing with 5th-grade tours - we've had two already and have five more in-person planned. They filled up immediately and we had to add more! We also have two virtual open houses on the agenda. And we are the only middle school in the district holding in-person tours. We are proud of our school and our students, and we love showing off to visitors!

It will be March before we know it, and we will need family ambassadors to welcome our new families to 75 Morton.  It's unbelievable we need to think that far ahead, but the school year moves so quickly! 



And Also:

  • Students MUST pass the Health Screening each morning. We do not want to see an increase in COVID cases post-Thanksgiving. If your child is displaying ANY symptoms, please keep them home and get them tested. A reminder: if there is a positive COVID class with close contact in your child's classroom, unvaccinated students must quarantine for 10 days.

  • End of 1st Marking Period is December 3rd. Teachers submit grades on December 10th, and report cards are available December 15th. Student report cards can be found at their NYC Schools Account.

From Previous Newsletters:

  • Students reviewed the importance of wearing a mask in advisory. Slides are here. Please reinforce at home - we've had a few COVID cases in the school and don't want anything to spread!

  • Kids aged 5 - 12 are now eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. You can locate a vaccination site here (for first or second dose). You can also earn $100 for 75 Morton by naming us as the referring organization.

  • Jumprope Slides from the information session are located here. Students also used these slides in their WIN period recently to learn how to log-on and use Jumprope

  • Parent University is an online education portal from the NYC Dept. of Education which offers free, pre-recorded and live, online courses in adult education, arts, early childhood education, enrollment, health and fitness, multilingual learners, parent leadership, remote learning and technology, school buildings and operations, and special education. This short video tutorial explains how to create an account.

  • Question? Check the family handbook first!

Important Dates: 

  • Wednesday, 12/1 - Office Hours with Valerie - 8th Grade Families - Zoom link

  • Thursday, 12/2 - SHSAT testing @75 Morton

  • Friday, 12/3 - End of 1st Marking Period

  • Thursday, 12/23 - Holiday Showcase for students

  • Friday, 12/24 - Winter Break Begins

Looking for a way to support our teachers and show them some love? Teachers love snacks! You can have them sent to the main office. Email or if you have questions.