State Testing information

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April 9, 2021

Dear Families,

These Spring weeks leading to the end of the year are filled. We have State Testing (see the blurb below), filming of Graduation, Career Day, the Regents, and assorted events within Bungalows. We will also get next year’s budget, which determines programming and teaching assignments, make next year’s classes, and prepare to welcome our new 6th grader. It is so important that you share plans if you are moving and will not be attending 7th or 8th grade next year at 75 Morton. 

When the world feels bleak, when the news begins to feel a bit overwhelming, I have the lucky job of access to students’ work. The voices of your children that rise up in their writing, the art of your children that inspires anyone who views it, and the love of your children when they email staff or comment on peers’ work, make me hopeful, calm, and filled with joy. Moments like walking into classrooms following the sounds of laughter, hearing “Hellos” coming out of computers, and meeting with teachers while they sing the praises of your children - all remind me that we are turning a corner and things are improving. 

Thank you as always for sharing your children with us - they are a gift. 


Please read the email I sent earlier this week. You are required to notify us if you would like your child to sit for the State ELA and Math exams. If you haven’t already, you must notify us by filling out this form by Monday, April 12th.  If you do not complete the form to “opt-in” for the test(s), your child will not be able to take the exams. This is a new NYC DOE policy. Please refer to the DOE Student Participation Guide for more information. If we do not hear anything from you, your child will not take the exams. 

Because of the pandemic, the DOE and NYS are (thankfully) being flexible on the administration of State Tests. Only part 1 (multiple choice) of both the ELA and Math exams will be administered. We will let you know the exact testing schedule in the next coming weeks. Please be advised that if your child is not testing, it is possible they will be learning remotely on the days that students are testing in the building. This plan may change, so continue to check the PTA blasts/Remind texts for more info.  


Your children are being reminded every day to put their phones away - just an FYI.


This Opt-In period ends today. We are now looking at the numbers and trying to place students while adhering to the 6’ distance rule and all Covid safety protocols. We are still awaiting guidance from the DOE on when new Blended students will be able to attend in person.


Last month Renee Blake and Kenneth Saunders led a remarkable conversation with parents, “I Am Not a Racist…”.  We received such positive feedback that we’ve scheduled another conversation for next Wednesday, April 14 at 10am for those of you who missed it. I hope you will be able to attend (even if you just want to listen and observe) and encourage a friend to join you. Register here

With Respect,
