Thanksgiving - Java with Jill & Jacqui

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November 25, 2020

Dear Families,

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are zooming, calling and texting with family and friends and staying safe as we cross our fingers that we do Thanksgiving differently in 2021. But, as always, we can list what we are thankful for this year and it is more than just getting through each day.

We, the staff, are so thankful for:

  1. Seeing your children's faces on zoom or in person

  2. Learning about perseverance from you and your children

  3. Your support, ideas, suggestions, and always, kindness.

  4. Every single healthy day.

  5. And, finally, OUR AMAZING PTA! Who else works in a school where PIES are delivered? It leaves me speechless and teary and the staff endlessly grateful.


Please do not miss our first round of casual Javas on Wednesday, December 2.


Here is a quick tip we found! 

Prioritize Positive Feedback, and ‘Pick Your Battles’

Many well-intentioned parents feel the urge to redirect and correct each and every ‘annoying’ move of their child/teen (this tendency may be more at the forefront now, given so many people these days are at home the entire time with their children). Refrain from doing so. Instead, choose to notice and praise the desirable behavior that your child is exhibiting. Giving specific praise rather than general praise is more beneficial. Also, distinguish whether the behavior is just annoying or actually risky/dangerous. What seems like annoying behavior may sometimes be your child/teen’s way of coping, and is often unintentional. Giving attention to the undesirable/’annoying’ behavior is more likely to reinforce it. Furthermore, frequent negative feedback and criticism can negatively affect a child’s developing self-esteem.

Have a wonderful, healthy Thanksgiving.

With Respect,

Jacqui and Katie