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November 6, 2020
Dear Families,
What a week.
What did our children learn watching the adults in our country? What do they learn every day watching us? Are we being the role models we should be? The pandemic is certainly testing us and the close living we are doing with our families certainly brings out the best and worst of all of us.
How do we all stay afloat during this time? Your children can teach us a few lessons. They are growing up in these very informative developmental years, enduring a pandemic, being educated in what can only be described as an alternate universe, existing in a shrinking physical world - all while being asked to be independent and responsible.
Your children are making their way through middle school in messy, funny, challenging, annoying, and endearing ways. Your role as parents and our roles as teachers are getting mixed up. Suddenly you are helping teach and we find ourselves helping you parent. You lean over math, we ask children to get out of bed. Good grief. This can mean only one thing. We need to acknowledge that we are on the same team and we need to be respectful of our mutual work.
Communication is essential. Words and tone invite conversation and make it safe to share frustrations and vistories and to find a way to a solution. We will all celebrate victories and support one another when things go awry.
Our children are watching us to be role models and we will be.
With Respect,
Jacqui and Katie
A few notes:
Thank you so much! If you haven’t already completed the survey, please click here. In the coming weeks we will share much of what we have learned. Right now we are using your feedback to make some tweaks and to design a student survey.
As you know, the opportunity to opt into BLENDED LEARNING ends on November 15. Please consider your choice. For those of you who choose Blended Learning during this time period, but have no plans to actually send your child to school, can you please let us know the real plan? We are preparing to adjust PODS and COHORTS which is a challenging task so facts really help as we plan.
We are working on the 75 Morton Grading Policy and will send it out before Thanksgiving.
This year we are facing significant budget cuts from the DOE. While we put our efforts and very limited funds into perfecting remote and blended learning, we must continue to raise money for many of the things that continue make 75 Morton one of the best middle schools in District 2. All donations, big or small, are appreciated. Click here.