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September 5, 2020
Dear Families,
Well, we have a start date! Wednesday, September 16!
Katie, Jill and I have been working out of our school offices, and it really does feel good, like “home”. The teachers had another successful day of their retreat this week, and as one teacher said, “We are all pumped up.” Your children are enormously lucky to have these educators in their lives. I know I am!
We are readying the school - classrooms with 8 tables for 8 students, socially distanced, hall and stairway signage, workspaces for staff. The staff continues to plan, as they have all summer, and I am in awe of their work. The very detailed Arrival Protocols will be sent home the week of 9/16. In addition, we feel it is important that we help you envision what the day will look like for both Blended and Remote Learners. Our communication for the next two weeks will be focused on the school day.
There is a sense of relief that we have a more concrete plan heading into the fall. There are still unanswered questions but the foundation is in place. The first week or two may be a bit messy, but that is why we have your voices, your inquiries, your suggestions, your outreach, to help. Thank you all ahead of time.
Important Dates:
September 14: Look out for an email from the PTA with information regarding our next online Community Meeting on Monday, September 14. Please join us!
September 16, 17, 18: ALL students will be REMOTE for those three days. All students will be on Zoom for an hour, from 8:30am-9:30am. Students will meet their advisors, teachers, and classmates. We will do community building, review health and safety protocols for both in-school and out-in-the-world, and finally begin a very thorough Google series of lessons to make sure all students are acclimated to the technology. We will send details so your children know how to get onto the Zoom meeting.
September 21: We will begin with WEEK 1, with Cohort A in school on Monday & Tuesday. All students will log on and be "in school" five days a week regardless of where they are sitting and learning. Please see the cohort schedule below.
If you child is in Cohort B or C, they should NOT come to the school building on Monday the 21st or Tuesday the 22nd.
Our Family Handbook will have all the details for how your child will log on the first day of school, and will also have an enormous amount of information that we will update constantly. It is required reading for all students and caregivers!
Please fill out your digital Blue Card HERE. If you have already filled it out, we have it, there is no need to ask us or to do it again.
If you haven't already filled it out, we need your information ASAP. THIS INCLUDES STUDENTS WHO ARE FULL-TIME REMOTE! We are heading into a new year, and you must be immediately available in case of any emergency.
With respect,
Jacqui & Katie